If you have ovaries and female reproduction organs, you are a woman. According to Webster's Dictionary a female is "being the sex that bears young or produces eggs". Hm now this coould be argued with "what about women who get ovaries removed and can't produce eggs or bear young." Ok, i get that. But thats where this second part comes into play: "designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fits" Ok, then please explain to me HOW this woman who calls herself a man is so special for having a baby? (self proclamation doesn't make you whatever you want to be) SHE IS STILL A WOMAN! Right? From what I have read, she has no weiner, she has ovaries and a uterus. What then makes her a man? The facial hair? Hmm no i know plenty of ladies who can grow stashes. lol The masculine clothing? Umm no sorry thats just a personal style. Maybe its the love of her same sex? yeah no thats just makes you gay. I don't get it. Sure she is on hormones but that doesnt make you a man. Don't we teach little kids, boys have a penis and girls a vagina? Then how are we calling this a "boy" when she clearrrrly has no penis (no an elongated clitorus is NOT a penis) **sorry for the graphic-ness..lol In my mind he is really a SHE, and therefore SHE is not all that important because SHE's have children often andthe only difference is that this SHE dresses like a dude. I mean seriously... SHE GOT HER PERIOD! COME ON! lol that is ALL WOMAN! This is just crazy. not even a fun crazy, more like a dumb crazy. If i decide to say I am a monkey, and move into the jungle, grow out my hair, live in trees, eat monkey food, that doesn't make me a monkey. It just makes me a crazy person who acts like a monkey. oye!
for some odd reason, i happened to see she/he on barbara walters the other day (which i never watch, so i don't know why i was). i agree with you completely. he's still a she and always will be. it's still weird because she looks like a he. so confusing.
yeah its mind boggling! I wanted to catch that interview they did the other day, but I forgot about it.
omg!!! lol!! Tut so agree! This makes me want to vomit.
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