Friday, April 15, 2011

Confessions Galore!

Instead of one or two confessions, lets just fill'r up..okay???

- i have very curly hair, but actually don't really like to wear it that way. I dream of some day having very long and very straight hair.

- thanks to FB i constantly think in status updates

- Since people never know what I do... I am a cost analyst at ITT. My program builds satellites that go to space. So i maintain the budgets to do this... (thats the simple version) These are an example of what our satellites do...

- i LOVE to wear heels. If i could, id wear them all the time, everyday.... probably because...

- I am only 5'4".... its hard to tell cause i am usually in heels, but one shoe on and one off can quickly show you how short i really am....

- I would love to get my cosmetology license. Not to make as my job job, but i think it would be fun, to do on the side....

- I Love shopping... for myself, others, home stuff, etc.

- I love the ocean, or any large body of water... (even a pool will suffice)

- Even though i know tanning is bad for you, i will probably tan for the rest of my life... not fake tanning, but the real kind!

- I have a math degree but i suck at doing mental math (alfie enjoys rubbing in that i am awful at adding tip to a bill and getting to an even dollar amount)

- I enjoy fast dancing but do not enjoy slow dancing... standing in one place swaying isnt dancing...its swaying...LAME!

- I think babies should look identical to their mommas, atleast for the first 9 months. They owe us that much :)

- I LOVE bubble gum, but especially gumballs!! LOVE IT! I chew til the flavor is gone, toss and put in another... probably why....

- I have 3+ crowns and more fillings than a 28 yr old should have in their mouth... although atleast some are gold so they look blinging!

- I am a very self conscious person, especially when it comes to my weight!

- But I love my legs and my boobs... best features (so i have been told... bow chicka wow wow) :)

- Never quite understand why people think Christy, Susan and I look SOOO much alike...nope, don't really see it.

- Am obsessed with jewelry and accessorizing

- Has a stomach of steal... am pretty much game to try any food

- Doesn't like cake unless its homemade, straight from a box, with no doctoring and the frosting is straight from the jar, not homemade...

- Loves to sing, even though i don't have the voice to do it!

- Favorite artist of all time: Michael Jackson... and NO he didn't molest any children!!

- Second favorite artist: Bon Jovi... not only is Jon Bon Jovi great, but he is smokin' for his age...

- Loves snuggling with Colton

- Deathly afraid of snakes. Pretty sure they are Satan's

- Does not believe in "roughing it"... not having electricity or water is NOT ok... sorry all you camping fans, give me a beach, a hot shower and ability to blow dry my hair and i am good (and a shopping plaza or two)!

- enjoys a little bit of "me" time every once in a while

- prefers beer over liquor

- LOVES LOVES LOVES cheese... any kind...seriously

Just a few tidbits about me...

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

- Dave Wilson is my favorite male friend (sorry alfie).
- If I went to Vegas I would come home with a civil union to Cassie Wilson.