Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is how we do....

Confession: this is how i put together an outfit...

**Side Note: I lOOOOVE clothes and all things clothes related, like shoes and jewelry and scarves and etc. And on the occasion i get asked by friends to help put together or shop for an outfit, so i thought i would share the tips I use when putting together something to wear. And this BY NO MEANs makes me an expert on what to wear because, HAVE YA SEEN ME?!?! I definitely have my “what was she thinking” moments and I am sure I could land on the “Worst Dressed” List , but I don’t mind. This is fashion and I am learning as I go!! Ok, so right, back to my tips on how i put together an outfit...

1. Start with a look: Sexy, business casual, comfy, dramatic etc. Use this to stay on focus when looking through your wardrobe. It helps to ask, does this feel _____? (whatever the look is chosen?) or “would _______ wear this?” (enter name of person who makes you think of the look you are going for)

2. Do your research: Find photos of people that you think emulate that style and take note of what they are wearing. Is it a color or an article of clothing that conveys that look? Is it the hair or shoes that complete it? Did they play up one thing and down play something else? What was it about the outfit that made you stop and notice?

3. Pick what looks good on you: Even I struggle with this. I am often tempted to pick something based on the latest fad, instead of choosing something that I KNOW looks good and works with my body type. So make sure to stear clear of things that although are the current trend, may not look good on you. Example, I have a super short waist, large chest and long legs. So a big belt worn around my middle looks gross on me because it actually hides any waist I have! So i try to stay away from it. But V-necks tend to look really good on me or even the “cross boob” style (no not the official name, but I bet you know what I am talking about) so I like to wear those!

4. Pick a statement ______: this could be a color/color scheme, a necklace, a headband, an article of clothing, a belt, a funky scarf, a pair of snazzy shoes, ANYTHING!! Let your imagination and mood run wild here!

5. Play up that statement piece: Let the item from #3 be what people notice about your outfit. Did you buy a bold funky necklace or scarf? Play that up by downplaying the rest…simple top, maybe a cute jacket, jeans and simple jewelry. Or a fun hat and neutral top with jeans. Or maybe a bright Kelly green top with gorgeous white jeans love it!

6. Be confident: if you get the rest wrong, then get this one right. Because who cares if people like what you have on, if you like it and it makes you feel good, then GIRLLLLL ROCK IT!!

Disclaimer: No, I don’t do this everyday for everyoutfit, or else I would look far more put together than I do, BUT on the days I have time, yes, those 6 steps are my thought process. And next time you see me go ahead and ask what my “statement something” or my “outfit inspiring look” was, and see if I have an answer for you!

**As an additional tidbit, what has saved me TONS of money is to shop when I am don’t need to. Yeah I know sounds counterintuitive but bear with me. If I wait to shop until I NEED an outfit then chances are I will spend an entire weekend combing the racks and spend 10xs more to get my outfit then if I just pick up great sale items as I see them. For example the other week I got 2 great necklaces for $4 each! Now sure I probably didn’t need them BUT when the time came to look for a funky piece of jewelry I didn’t have to spend $15-$20 bucks on a regular priced item or even settle on a piece that I wasn’t truly in love with. Now I am not encouraging people to go on a shopping binge but I am saying keep your eyes peeled. If you’re at the store and you see a great deal on a dress, think twice, its wedding season, there are a lot of work functions and get-togethers to wear it to, and if you can, grab it. It will save you LOTS of time and LOTS of money because you got it on sale. And then you can gradually build a nice and inexpensive wardrobe!! OH and never underestimate the power of Goodwill. I have purchased MANY a great pair of pants or skirts there and for super duper cheap!!

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