Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Confession: Sometimes i post lame blog posts just because i can....

Yeah, every once in a while i hit writers block, with either nothing good to write about, or too much to write about that pin pointing one topic is problematic, or too personal of a topic to put out there. Today is one of those days. And i knew that if i didn't post anything next thing i would know it would be 2 months later and i would have taken a super long unplanned writing sabbatical....

I'm currently munching on a Wegmans Coco pop snack thingy. You know, one of those bootleg, cardboard tasting rice cakes? They really do taste like cardboard with a slight Styrofoam feel to them. Appetizing i know. They aren't too bad with hummus though, which i enjoy but i wouldn't mind it being crumbled up and sprinkled over a bowl of ice cream drizzled with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. I bet then it would taste AWESOME. But hmm that would probably diminish the health factor its got working for it, right? I am doing great on my 40 in 40, by the way! Thanks for asking. Ahead of schedule...12 lbs in 10 weeks. Next milestone is July 25th, 10 lbs by then. Then i would be half way there (to my preWedding weight).

Ohh funny story. So Alfie and i were talking about when we think we would plan for a second boy Colton (first name or middle name will be Carter.... sorry Bethany, totally stealing your sons name, but see, I'm giving you props and some link love...go visit her page everyone, she is a rockin photographer, fun blogger and great momma!!) or girl Colton (name undecided), (no worries, not for a while) and for those who know how awful my pregnancy was, knows my comment was "when the memory of the awfulness fades", Now Alfie was from the camp of wham bam, lets have them close. Uhh heck no, thanks for asking though. I then proceeded to mention how I liked not feeling pregnant and not having my body look busted, or swollen or giant or huge or fat or ugly or uncomfortable or.... whoops sorry, I got lost in the awfulness.... And what followed was Alfie at his finest. "Well, why fix it only to break it again??" LOL ("it" would be my body, "fix" would be losing weight, and "breaking it again" would be getting giant...for those who didn't quite get it...) yes, he actually said that. And yes, i totally laughed, cause that's some funny spur of the moment , where's the censor, kind of Alfie speak. He probably would have told me to take off my "woman ears" and listen with my "man ears" (which is what he says now, but he didn't come up with it until later) so as to not "hear" him saying i was a fat or swollen or a hot mess, but to hear it like a man would in which he looked at it logically. Luckily i was listening with my "man ears" and heard just that, so could appreciate the humor for what it was (so take off your lady ears if you are thinking "omg i woulda smacked him for saying that" and throw on some man ears.)

OK, that's all i got for you today. You can go ahead and blame this post on the fact that its raining or take a tip from my buddy Jamie Foxx and blame it on the a a a a a alcohol (but I'm not drinking so technically you can't...lol).

Side note: I bought Skinny Girl Margarita, because duh, my girl Bethanny Frankel makes it, and YUM, i am a fan. I have to add lime juice and some salt, but I love that its super low calories and not so sugary like a lot of drinks. Pour over ice and MMMM yummy! My new summer drink! Try it! (but really, add salt and lime juice)

1 comment:

bethany said...

thanks for the props :)