Friday, May 27, 2011


Apologies for the momentary blogging hiatis... computer problems with letting me sign in. Something with those dang cookies...

Okay, anyways.

Its friday, finally. And to make things even better it is a long weekend. BONUS. To make things debbie downer, work had layoffs this week (boo hiss) but i made it (yay yay) but it makes for a LONNNG day and somber day after. Sorta feels like survivor around here with all the "did so and so make it?" I feel like there should be some tribal music and Hot Jeff Something (whatever the host's name is) should pop out and say, "you did not recieve a rose" , "you are the weeakest link", "you're fired", "America did not vote for you to move on" "the tribe has spoken" and put out peoples torches. That might just make the layoff process a tad better. Although i can understand for safety reasons, why a torch may NOT be a best practice for this kind of event....

MEMORY!!! They are playing "Evan and Jaron's: Crazy for this Girl. Wow, old song. takes me back to highschool. Riding in a "friends" car and getting lost on the way to Eastview mall, and ending up somewhere near Honeyoye Falls...not sure if he planned it, but it was fun. Good song. Extra blogger points if you have a guess on which friend that was. Seeing as i really only had a handful of guys i hung out with, the answer should be simple. In hindsight, im pretty sure i had a slight crush on said guy. Oh Highschool.... i crushed on pretty much any guy that i knew...almost...ok not really only maybe 2 or 3....

Oh here is a confession: I have an issue with people eating when i am not.

This DRIVES ME CRAZY! especially if i can hear you chew/swollow/munch, i get annoyed, and itchy and want to rip the food away from you. I NEED some sort of noise to drown out the sound. I have said many a time to alfie "ya almost done with that???" cause it will seriously annoy the heck out of me! Don't get me started on hearing you breathe,especially if you have one of those whistles going on in your nose....KILLS ME! I hear it once and literally fixate on the sound until that is all i hear and all i focus on and i most likely have to remove myself from the situation, so i can't hear it anymore. I have an odd thing with repetative noises. If it is repatative enough, i will start counting the noise. Which is obnoxious because i could count for a good while, but i force myself to stop, although to do that it needs to be on an even number. Something about them even numbers makes me feel good. Must be why i enjoy numbers, hence the Math Major. Im odd i know. And this was a bizarre post but there ya go for a friday tidbit about me! enjoy, and try not to drive me crazy now that you know this!!!

Alrighty, have a few cocktails for me over this long weekend!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I have a few guesses on the guy, but not sure if you want me to post them all over your blog :) I will have to ask you later.

I agree with the breathing! It can be so irritating.