Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's been a while...

Confession: It’s been 1 full year since I posted a blog.

I say posted, because in my defense, I have been blogging (okay more like journaling in MS Word), I just haven’t posted anything. No worries, it will make its way up eventually, but anywho! So what has happened in my year long sabbatical? This time last year…good Lord, I can’t even remember what I did this time last year! Im blaming my age. Ya know, once you hit 30, everything just starts shutting down…right? Well last year was filled with different things, some good, some not so good, some mehh. But for the most part it was a good year. I spent time with my favorite little Colty, watching him grow and learn and try new things. I enjoyed spending time with my niece Maddie, and loved seeing her intelligence grow. I spent a lot of time with mamsita, Christy and Susan as we prepped for Susan’s much anticipated wedding to Blue Eyes! I made new friends, I deepend relationships with old friends. I laughed (a lot). I cried (occasionally). I worked on my relationship with my dad *sigh*. I crafted. I drew closer to the Lord. I had snarky moments. I had kind moments. And oh yeah, Alfie knocked me up (yeaaahhh buddy!). And yet I didn’t blog. At.all. I know. I'm bad.

But on my first post back, I would like to dedicate it to (and brag on) some fabulous women… My Triple C girls. That’s my (I say mine because them b’s be mine, make your own dang group if you wanna craft, this one is too special to share!!) pimpin’ craft group that meets once a month every month for almost 2 years now. We are a hodge podge of ladies from all walks of life: stay at home mommies, teachers, designers, engineers, photographers, project managers etc. but each one crafty in her own way and each one brings a special spark to the group. The best part is not all of us knew each other before hand but wow how fun it’s been to seen relationships build, advice given and received, ideas shared, hearts opened and so much laughter heard over the course of these months. I know each lady challenges me to be a better wife, a better mommy, and a better friend. They know that sometimes fast food and tv is a totally acceptable form of healthy dinner and family activity. They know (and can advise) how best to take an office poo (lol shout out to last craft night). They accept (and humor me) during my “lets make everything dir-tay” moments. They talk about the not so glamourous side of pregnancy… can we say sore boobs, ‘roids, heartburn, body aches and moodiness, anyone? And ofcourse there is never any judgement when I we stuff my our faces on the delicious snacks people bring.

So Triple C ladies (you know who you be) this is for you! My first blog post back in a year, a little rusty, but it’s a start. Thanks for the encouragement to get back on it and ride it hard… that’s what she said.

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