Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Get yo Sleep on....

Confession: We are attempting to get Colton to crib sleep.

and I don't like it. Ok, I quasi like it. Because as I look at his adorable slumbering face, I just want to scoop him up, kiss those super soft cheeks and snuggle with him. And that's not possible when he is in his baby jail crib. And while one part feels that way, the other part KNOWS he NEEDS to sleep in his bed, especially for safety reasons, pretty much because our bed is a bit high for him to fall out of and not get hurt. Especially since he has a habit of crawling to the edge and not realizing he will fall. Anyways, we hit night two last night, but let me not get ahead of myself....

Night 1: My sister and brother in law have been working with Maddie for a few days, trying to get her to crib sleep, (yeah, it’s a family thing to co-sleep...) and apparently she cries for a loooong time as told by her daddy, since her momma has always been a quick and deep sleeper and doesn't hear the cries (like home girl can sleep ANYWHERE... ask her about her first date with Ben... wouldn't it be funny if she fell asleep on it?? even funnier if it was at a movie theater!! true story.) Anyways, so Maddie's poor daddy has to listen to his baby girl wail and probably scream "DADDY COME SAVE ME" (cause yeah, Madds can talk....like real words talk...kitty cat, dog, Titi, Lita, and duck....she is a serious wonderkid) so I KNEW it was going to be rough listening to Colton cry. We got him prepped for bed, turned on the TV to the Christian radio (he has been listening to this since the womb) and said good night and lowered him into the crib. The second he feels the mattress, lil thing starts crying, and crying and crying! For me it felt like 45 minutes, to Alfie only 20. And luckily Susan was over helping me with my hair, so I was not even able to go grab C. We let him keep crying and after a while Alfie went back up to pop in the pacifier and lay on the floor to offer comfort. Sleep FINALLY won out. AND he only woke up a few times when his paci fell out, but went right back to sleep. Bummer ( ok, not really) though at 2am he started crying again, so momma got her bed snuggles in with Colty until morning.

Night 2: Now, Alfie put Colton to bed the first night, and since I am the usual putter- to-bedder I was pretty much expecting crazy clinging and hysterics and pretty much awfulness. I let Colton stay up and play later than usual since he was being a good Kitty (yeah, we have read "the good little kittens" one too many times) and by the time 8:30 rolled around, quickly followed by some baby eye rubs, I knew it was time. Mentally prepping myself for the worst, I grabbed his lovey blanket (best thing ALIVE) and his pacifier and prepped the room and kissed him goodnight. Into the crib he went. Cue crying. Cried as I walked downstairs, as I walked into the kitchen, as I poured a drink and then as I sat down on the couch there was...silence. HUH. Silence. NO WAY. Silence. It doesn’t really happen like this! Too good to be true! 5 minutes of crying. So of course my mommy imagination went "OMG something happened" which then forced me to go check on him. Silently I crawled up the stairs and poked my head into the room and heard him "double" breathing, you know the kind you do after a hard cry. Yeah he was doing that. So all good. He was alive. Home boy made one or two peeps the rest of the night. THE REST OF THE NIGHT! No joke. He even slept through me putting pants on him (poor lil legs were too cold with the a/c on) and only woke up at 6:30am when I put him in the car seat to take him to moms.

So Night 1: FAIL; Night 2: WIN; Wonder what Night 3 will bring us.... Hopefully another good Kitty who falls asleep with ease and doesn't freak the eff out!

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