Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Confession: I spill.

Like a lot. Like all the time. So much so that growing up i was "encouraged" to always sit at the table and not the floor in the family room or even on the couch. And to this day, if i come in and sit on the couch with a plate of food, i often get "the look" and "please don't spill" comment.

I am not sure what comes over me, but it just happens. I will go to put the food in my mouth from the plate and wham, on my shirt or oops on the carpet or chair or sofa or rug. It never fails.

When we moved into our new place, i was determined NOT to be the first person to spill something. But as my track record would have it that was not the case. I filled a nice TALL glass of orange juice, grabbed my dinner plate (yes i drink OJ with any meal, i especially love it with cookies. Alfie thinks i am pretty crazy, cause apparently it is only supposed to be a morning drink. But whatever...) i set my dinner plate on the coffee table and set my full glass of orange juice beside it. The next part is fuzzy. I don't know if i went to grab it and wasnt looking, if my plate hit it or what but WHAM BAM thank you ma'am! My glass of orange juice ended up on the carpet. Hot dang! The spiller strikes again.

In my defense sometimes I have "help" in my spilling accidents. Lets just say that SOMEONE in my house likes to put his their drinks on the floor beside the couch. He Said person did not mention that the glass of nice staining Coca Cola was on the floor, so when i walked over i pretty much ended up kicking the full glass of pop. Isn't.that.precious. And one would think I would have learned my lesson and kept MY glass on the end table where it belonged (last time i checked thats what they are for, right?!) but no, no i did not. I thought if Alfie someone else could do that then so can i. Mistake. After having set my glass on the ground, right beside the makeshift baby gate which we have to do a precise high step to get over it, i went into the kitchen to grab a snackie. I came shuffling around the couch with my snack and high stepped over the "baby gate" and GOALLLLLLLL, nice corner kick on my drink. The US team woulda been proud. Thankfully it was just club soda with lime, nothing stainable like the other times. But still. Now the other "i put my drink on the floor" person kindly calls out "DRINK" and points to his their drink on the floor anytime i get close to it, like i am blind or something. Whatever.

I think i have narrowed it down to food excitement (Maddicus listen up). I get so excited (or hungry) that in the swiftness of getting the food from the plate to my mouth things just go crazy. I get distracted, i may be talking and miss my mouth, I have twitched before and the food jumps off my utensil, i overestimate the amount a utensil can handle and pack it on only to find that boo-ya the food lands elsewhere. I underestimate how far the food must travel to get to my mouth. Those minor things seem to cause minor (so far) "things" on my carpet or clothes.

Just last night i again, put my drink on the floor, and moved away from it, then went to turn and hand the pacifier to alfie and stepped right beside my drink, knocking it over. Alfie gave me that look. Ya know, the one that says "really? again? REALLY?" I think it might have something to do with the fact that i use clear glasses, and if i put water in it it is essentially invisible, right?!

Oh well, maybe i will have to invent some sort of drink flag to help me end my beverage spilling ways. And as for my food spilling, well I guess i'll just have to borrow Coltys bib!


Christina said...

LOL! WOW, I went from living with you the original Spiller, to Ben the classic Spiller (I also "encourage" him to eat in the kitchen, bring a napkin, and not spill) to potentially having a cutie pie spiller? Oh great!

Kimi said...

DREFT! its the stain lifting miracle worker :)