Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'll try...

Confession: I don't want to be "that mom".

Lets start out with a story shall we....

So the other weekend, fourth of july weekend to be exact, I was working on repainting our kitchen cabinets from the yucky shade of cream, to a refreshing shade of white....or should i say "Glass of Milk" as it was cleverly named (soy milk would fit better for us since we are lactites, but oh well)

Side note: when i paint i wear anything, usually shorts or pajamas but i have this habit of wiping off mistakes (like floor drips or a piece of hair or dirt in the painted piece) and wiping them onto my legs or arms. Which means that whatever i am wearing ends up nicely covered, especially my skin. No biggie I figure if i put in on bare skin its easier to remove because it comes off with a good scrub in the shower. Although it also means it remains on my body UNTIL i shower, which can sometimes be problematic...

Anyways, i was painting late thursday night and ended up running into Target early friday morning...sans shower (yeah mama be groady like that). I think i was even still in my jammies top with jean capris [cringe. i know, who does that?!?] Did i mention my hair was curly and nappily thrown up into a high gross bun with frizzes everywhere....oye. So here i am looking like trash when don't i see my supervisor from work. And instead of realizing how awful i look and avoiding him, I literally seek him out. WHAT?! yeah i know, not a shining moment. Its not until mid conversation that it dawns..."Sweet Lord, i am a hot mess". i quickly end the convo, grab my baby items i came in for and head home. One would think i learned my lesson that morning but no, no i did not. After painting yet again that afternoon in the hot garage and adding new paint marks to my legs and arms (and probably sweat marks too), i take Colty with me and AGAIN head into target. Dumb dumb dumb move. Because who ELSE do i run into?? Only the manager to the program manager at work. I can't be rude so I stop and say hello, realizing the whole time that i look 100xs worse than i did that morning.And that i am going to have to do some wayyyy cute outfit on monday to redeam myself!! Lesson Learned!

Anyways, that situation has solidified a goal i have made for myself. To be that momma who tries. Who doesn't live in sweats and a hoodie, who puts on make up and looks good even if she doesn't want to, and even if it is just a quick trip to target or wegmans. To take the extra few minutes to put on earrings or a necklace even though Colton may try everything to rip it off everytime, or even if he succeeds (he totally ripped off an earring and broke it, bummer, oh well perfect excuse to get a new one :)). I don't want to be that momma that people look at and think "poor thing has let herself go". Which believe me is way too easy to get stuck in because just finding time to get a shower in is a challenge, let alone time to give myself a good hair blow out AND flat iron my hair, tweeze my bushman prone eye browns OR even shave my legs. But I am making it a goal to put myself together daily, to shed all the baby weight (thankfully this is done! Holla! [do people still say holla?]), to do my hair AND my makeup. Why? Because nothing is worse than feeling like you look like crap compared to everyone else.I can hear some of you baby free gals thinking "you should be doing that anyways", and inside i chuckle for you, because just you wait...ohh just you wait (all you busy mamas are nodding your head and pursing your lips right along with me), LOL So here is my challenge to all you mommas (and ladies in general).... lets try. Lets try to do our hair instead of tossing it into a bun, ponytail (adios, i will miss you my daily go-to style), pig tails, braids whatever. Lets put on a cute outfit instead of sweats and a tshirt. Lets put ourselves anywhere but dead last. Not only for our husbands or our children or the general public that looks at our thrown together self, but lets do it for us, because with all our hard work, we deserve to look MORE than half decent, we deserve to look Fantasmo!!


Ashley said...

Totally know how you feel! I agree - I've been trying (although there are days that the shower doesn't happen!) but at least I put on my mascara and wore a (semi-clean) shirt. Also I still use the HOLLA occasionally.

Leigh said...

I have just one problem Kimi... doing my hair IS a messy bun or braids.... :)

Kimi said...

haha good to know im not the lone person left saying "holla". And yeah, shower days [gasp] don't happen as often as they should. *blush*