Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My wonderfully pregnant friend Alyssa posted the other day about doing baby week in highschool and MAN did that bring back some memories....

At my christian school there was a class called "Marriage and Family". In it we discussed how to have a healthy and succesful marriage. This was taught by our wonderful bible teacher. I will never forget (as im sure many others won't) something he repeated often in that class. It was a triangle with the wife at the bottom right side the husband on the bottom left and God at the top middle point. His point was clear, as the husband grows close to God, and the wife grows close to God, naturally they will grow close to eachother. I have never forgotten that (words of wisdom from Mr. Iamaio). Anyways, this class was only offered to the junior class and pretty much everyone looked forward to this. Primarily for one reason: Baby Week. Now many schools offered this concept. You and your husband (of your choice) have a baby and have to keep it safe for a week. My school did it slightly different. Sure we had spouses, and O.M.G was it ever a big deal to be asked. and O.M.G did the rumor mills run about who asked who or who was considering asking who. But instead of those snazzy "fake" babies that cried and pooped and what not, we used dolls. Whatever doll you could get your hands on. I remember me and my "husband" one year used a black cabbage patch. Anyways, we had a few rules... 1. you had to get up once a night to "feed" the baby and stay awake for 15 mins. 2. you had to take it where ever you went. and 3. you had to keep it safe from the "baby snatchers" HUH?!? yeah thats right. There would be certain hand picked lower classmen who got to join in on baby week to pretty much be kidnappers. If our baby was taken, we would fail. So you learned it was NOT safe to say leave the baby unattended at the lunch table and go grab a cookiewich. Or leave baby sitting courtside to watch you shoot some hoops. Nope, baby snatchers were ALWAYS on their toes (i think they got some incentive but i don't remember). Now im sure the concept was meant to show us what a challenege raising children would be but im pretty sure all my hormonal mind took away from it was "why didn't so and so ask me to be their wife?" and "hope i get an A (even though there was no way i was getting up at 2am for 15mins)" Anyways, you always ended up loathing the baby snatchers because although they could not take the doll from your arms or from the table if you were right there, some did try. And those who did pretty much felt the wrath of the entire class. Thats right, all 24 of us. But it was fun to exchange baby between classes, and shove baby in your backpack (not really allowed but we still did it), leave baby in the car (or trunk as Alyssa mentioned :P) and try not to look lame-o as you carried it around in the mall with you.

In hindsight (now with 9 months under my belt), that was a lot closer to reality than i even realized. Just last night Colton decided 2:30 am was a good time to get up and cry and not want to be put down for a few hours. The threat of kidnappers is legit, even straight out of your arms in some cases, and where alf or I go 9 times out of 10 Colton is with us.

But anyways....good times, good times!


Leigh said...

Mr. Iamaio liked the triangle for alot of examples must be. I remember back in the day, he was the speaker at our church retreat and used it to illustrate proper church growth as well. Who knew the humble triangle shows us so much good stuff....

Sarah said...

Another great Christian school post. I think I too would have been more worried about who would ask me to be their "wife" than anything else. I do feel quite cheated that NCA didn't offer marriage and family class or baby week. Likely because even the mention of "high school student" and "baby" in the same sentence was not allowed. We did have the triangle illustration and that stuck with me as well :) Good times is right!