Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Adults and Social Media…

Confession: Adults who don't know social media but use it, drive me crazzzzy!

Sigh... wow tough topic, right. Because when I think of this I instantly think “old people and facebook” and then from there you KNOW my thoughts go to all the things they do WRONG to abuse this privileged. My personal favorite being when they sign their name on a wall post. HELLO when you post on the wall the picture AND YOUR NAME are on the post. You don’t need to put a “love, Kimi” at the end, cause HELLO I know who is posting it! Oh and hey, I even have a handy picture of you just in case. Lets talk about that too. (Although you get those random people who have landscape pictures or celebrity/cartoon/crazy pictures and not something that can identify them like a family member, or pet or HEY here’s an idea, A PIC OF YOURSELF). Facebook is also not your chance to redeem yourself with sexified pictures of yourself or as I like to refer to them as “Glamor Shots” (haha remember that place in the mall?) Nothing worse than an adult who should know better, in seductive poses or crazy “took my picture in the mirror with my cell phone” Yeahhh lets leave that to the under 25 crowd. Ooo and how about the “I post EVERYTHING” adults?? “Status: Buffy and Binky just crapped on my face…lol hilarious, gotta love ‘em!” that’s too much folks, far far too much, keep it to yourself. Or the “Lets air my family’s dirty laundry” (and call it a prayer request…hey-o, I went there,) how about popping that info into a message or better yet send it to a prayer chain. Ahhh and what about the “I comment on EVERYTHING”. Really? Sometimes its ok to let a status or photo go up without popping a comment (or 10) on it. It’s ok to chuckle to yourself and move on. If all I see when I scroll my newsfeed is items from 1 person, that’s too much. OH and anything more than a few follow up comments on a status is too much. Do we have to have 2 people engage in a full on conversation via commenting?? Can you take it off line or to messaging or hey how about you pick up the phone and CALL EACHOTHER! Lol (my pet peeve is being a first to comment and then having a bazillion people comment after and getting updates on all those comments. Yes I admit, sometimes I will actually NOT comment just because I don’t want to deal with that- baby announcements are the worst for that!!). Oh and no thanks, I don’t want to play Farkle, buy a goat for your farm, a couch for your apartment, a sword for your knight or whatever new game or life simulation you are playing. I am ok using FB solely for stalking (as it should be used).

Maybe the answer to these clear generational gaps, is for there to be a facebook by generations. That way we can avoid the skanky generation and their booza-palooza bar pics and hangover shots (ohh how i miss thee...lol), the marrieds and “im having a baby” generation can status to their heart content about their awesome wedding or adorable babies (yeah that’s totally where I now fall…lol) and then the adults old people can do whatever they want and be non-internet savy together. Ahh that would be the dream, right??


Sarah said...

Right on sister! Ha!

Ashley said...