Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lets Do this!

Confession: There is simply not enough time in the day.

All with me shout "here here"! Maybe shouting "oye" would be much more accurate! How do people do it? There just simply is not enough time in the day to work 8hrs (sometimes 9), make and eat dinner, do dishes, clean, do laundry, play with Colton, spend time with Alfie, do home upgrades and projects, shower, do my hair AND get to bed at a decent hour. Sooo I don't. My house is 90% a complete wreck during the week. Dishes pile up and laundry (clean and dirty) end up on the floor or in folded piles on the dresser. I trade showering for a slobbery and droolly kiss from Colton and snuggles and play time. I forgo a great blowout for a DVR'd show with Alfie. And the dishes remain dirty so that I can get some rest before that 5am alarm goes off. Really how do people fit in a work out?? LOL I would REALLY be intrigued to know how that happens. 60 mins on an elliptical would be magical! Ok, but enough debby downer confessions, on to something more cheerful, like COLTON IS 5 MONTHS!! AHHHH. crazy i know! about this time last year i was desperately clinging to my best friend Mr. Toilet and pouring my entire being into him (literally), as i was sicker than sick!! And now Mr. Colton, is the most happy and cheerful and flirty baby around! His smile and belly laugh endear everyone who meets him! On one of the rare spring days we had 2 weeks ago (it was like 60 out and then 2 days later it snowed!) Christy graciously brought her Bad @$$ camera out to play and we had a fun photo session with Colty on the deck. Here are some favorites of my sweet boy:

Any good stories i can wrack my brain for... hmm OHHH i made my first piece of jewelry!! Ok, well i guess "made" might be an exaggeration, BUT in my defense it was just 3 strands of beads that i fashioned into a crafty necklace! So i am calling it my first DIY jewelry attempt! I am hooked! i have a pearl necklace plan in the making AND a plan to make some unique earrings. I am really really digging the whole DIY trend these days and turning preowned/old items into chic decor with the help of a can of spray paint. trendy and Cheap! I love it! So i have about a bazillion projects on deck for the house and for myself, along with wanting to lose 40lbs ( I know right?!) and enjoy life in general!! Its gonna be a wild ride. I can already tell! So i will raise my travel coffee mug (since i do not have a nice tall glass of wine i could use one now though) and say "here is to acheiving my goals in 2011"!! (Maybe one of them will be blogging more often, eh?

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