Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ode to Bikers

Confession: I hate bikers. Not the bad ass, leather clad, bandana wearing mother effers that ride REAL bikes like Harleys or crotch rockets. Noooo im talking about those little effers that ride bicycles! Yeah you know who i mean. The Lance Armstrong wanna be's, the "im pretending im in the Tour De France", the im just an average joe with a gut but im gonna stuff myself into one of those skin tight shirts and spandex shorts. The riding on the white liners when they have 3 feet of SAFE road to ride on. Yes those are the people i am referring to. There is something about seeing people on bicycles that instantly irks me. 2 examples:
1. Now bikers should know that they are considered vehicles therefore ADHERE TO THE VEHICLE RULES!!!!! One being ride WITH traffic not against. Alf and i see this duche bag all dressed up in the skin tight spandex outfits which one would think "hmmm they are real cyclists and know the rules" NOPE he was riding against traffic and yelled at US when we laid on the horn to inform him.

2. Not stopping at the stop signs. BECAUSE you are on a bike doesnt mean that you get to run stop signs. NOPE you must stop just like a car effer. So this little old lady was riding her bike and we get to a four way stop and we were there before she got there so we go but little old bitty looks like she was gonna blow through the stop sign. TRY AGAIN LADY. we went like we were gonna go and ofcourse she thought we were gonna hit her but we stopped and then went, a nice way to "teach" those old dogs a new trick.

Am icrazy? does it not irk anyone else that they have to swerve to give the bike rider more room when they ride on the white line? I mean come on!!! there is so much room between the white line and the grass! Must you push your luck for getting hit by riding so close to the cars? And those people who arent training for something important, dont ride wearing spandex! Just wear shorts and a tshirt!! And dont ride on busy roads! 250, 441, Holt, Lake. FIND A BACK ROAD!! there are plenty of not busy roads for you to "live out a fantasy", lay off the busy streets!!

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