Monday, August 15, 2011


SIDE NOTE: Well it’s that time again. Time to rename the blog. It started as "Confessions of a Newlywed", stayed that way until I got pregnant, then it was "Confessions of a New Momma", but as the year is coming to a close and Colton’s first birthday party is upon us, I’m thinking it may be time for a new name. I thought, since Snatty is now engaged to Blue Eyes (yes that is for realz my nicknames for them) and that Christy and I are jumping in and helping to planning the wedding, it might be fitting to call it "Confessions of a Wedding Planner"…. Alfie suggested "Life with 2 Alfie’s" (go figure) and I thought of "Confessions of a Working Momma"(since I am the lone full time worker in my circle of momma friends). Not sure which way I will go, but suggestions are always welcome!

Anyways, on to today’s tidbit....

Confession: Nelly sometimes freaks me out.

Nelly is my super crazy catdog (she is a cat but with dog like tendencies). And in my defense I have a wayyy over active imagination. So combine a spazzy cat with an imagination that has seen farrrr too many movies and read farrrr to many fictional books and you get someone who is freaked out (mildly) with their own cat. Example: Last night I was headed into the guest bath aka "Colton’s bathroom" to clean up after his bath and as I exited, I caught in my peripheral an object just standing in the doorway to Colton’s room. I look over and it’s Nelly. Watching me. Just standing. Like she had been watching me go about my business. She didn't hiss, or even move, and maybe that’s why it made it creepy, but we locked eyes and for a fleeting second I envisioned her lunging through the air hissing and attacking me in the jugular and clawing my face up. Highly unlikely, but with Nelly, one can never be 100% sure. Anyways, with a "what a freakin' creeper" comment, I headed back downstairs. Nelly is like that. If she was a person, she would be that weirdo creeper that kinda skeeves you out, cause she pops up randomly, stares, lingers, then moves on. And yes I know that’s a cat for you, quiet, stealthy but randomly everywhere. Our hallway meeting is not the first, but rather one of many lurking moments and made me flash back to my irrational fear or wolves and deer attacks.

Sigh. I know, I’m weird. And I am not sure why, but growing up I always had a fear that I would walk out of my bedroom and come face to face with a wolf. Teeth bared and ready for attack. And then I made the mistake of watching "Lady in the Water" and it pretttttty much solidified the possibility of any fear I had about wolves popping up randomly and attacking me. (It mayy or may not be a fact that I booked it into the house after seeing that movie in the theater...avoiding the grass of course and not looking behind me so as to not be paralyzed by making eye contact with their red eyes leering at your in the grass... or whatever theory the movie claimed…BUUUT I won't confirm or deny that fact, you will just have to wonder….) AND at our old woods surrounded house "290" as we call it, I always feared a deer attack. (yeah I know out of all the animals, that most likely lived there, I worried about freakin deer) Mostly stemming from the fact that they were everywhere and had the greatest probability of being rabid and wanting to attack me. But still, I usually did a quick glance around for deer shadows and then booked it into the house. One would think I should have been more worried about a creeper IN the house since we left the house unlocked (situation has since been rectified, and all doors locked at Shanlee) I tell you, I don't know where these crazy fears come from but they do make me nervous. Maybe it’s more a fear of the dark than a fear of certain animals? Who knows? But I DO know I have a very photographic memory so making the mistake and watching, hmm lets sayyyy, "The Haunting" television show, was probably NOT a smart thing to do, since now those exorcist-like images are now forever burned into my mind’s eye and make being home alone kindaaaa freaky. Or watching Jeepers Creepers and having to trek from Marion to Webster on late dark nights on old back roads when Alfie and I were dating, secreting expecting the Jeepers Creepers guy to appear standing in the middle of the road and attack me for my eyes. See what i mean!! CRAZYYYYY!! Where do these thoughts come from! I tell ya! It’s that freakin' dang over active imagination! Gets me every time! But I was like this since little, and when I would have nightmares. Mom would always come in, pray for me and quote part of I John 4:4 “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” And to this day, I still quote that anytime I get freaked out !

Anyone else have random "why does this make me nervous" moments?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I also suffer from the overactive imagination/easily scared gene. It is good to have imagination but bad when fear takes it over! I sometimes have to quote Scripture just like your mommma in order to get back to reality. I also HATE horror movies for this reason - the only one I've ever seen was Halloween - bad idea. My parents' house has a window similar to the one in the movie and I would avoid looking out of it when I walked up the stairs because I was afraid I would see the guy in the mask staring at me! (And yes, I was in college during this time.)