Monday, December 22, 2008


Confession: I am a crier. Most people are probably pretty surprised to know that I cry at the drop of a hat! just the other day I cried at Celebrity Rehab, and Mtv's Made (dude this really fat kid finished a triathalon...come on!!). I almost cried reading someones blog about their dad and the blessed friendship of a coworker. I cry at songs that remind me of people. I often get choked up at church when reminded of God's awesomeness or his faithfulness in my life (just now totally got choked I cry reading books. I will cry with, for, or over someone. I hate people crying alone so there is a 90% chance that if I see someone crying I will cry. Maybe God has blessed me with empathy or maybe I just have a sensitive heart, but goodness you catch me around "that time of the month" and holy crap its just comical! I will admit though that it is very theraputic. Nothing makes you feel better when you are stressed or upset or sad like a good cry. As I was sitting here thinking about this I was reminded about a video that touches me so much that I can't help but cry too and makes me so thankful for the life I have and the love my both my heavenly Father and earthly father...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Totally makes me laugh!!

For those who are not easily offended.... enjoy! Alfie and I watched this SNL video like 4 times yesterday and each time was just as funny as the first! The SNL Digital Short is called "Jizzed in my pants"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What I would have changed...

This post was inspired by my good friend Emily. Her wedding date of Dec 17th is quickly approaching and in that she gave a critical eye to her wedding day and thought of what she would do differently in the planning. Now little did she know that all the things she posted would not have made one bit of difference to us who attended... it was still a beautiful day and ran very smoothly! So reading her blog made me think of my recent nuptuals and what I would have done differently or what recommendations I would offer the way, my day went pretty much perfect, there is little I felt needed to change but via things I heard and a tough eye, Ill break it down for ya! lol Here we go....

1. Different bridesmaids dresses. I would have gone strapless. Generally bridesmaids dresses are a direct reflection of the bride and if ANYONE had to pick something that screamed "Kimi" i doubt it would have been that. Long story short, I would have gone with a strapless dress or a vneck one. While the dress did fit well with the wedding, that remains my top "thing I would have changed"

2. I would have had a shorter ceremony. I think ours was about 30 -40 mins, which wasn't bad considering we had 2 song performances but my cousin just got married and it was like BANG 15 mins and it was over, but still very pretty.

3. I would have started projects earlier. towards the wedding date I wanted to keep adding little bits to the day but I just did not have time to complete them (ie individual table questions with info about alfie and i; table numbers;ceremony decor)

4. I wouldn't have ordered a dress up a size. I fully intended to lose weight, it was a goal, but stupid me ordered a size up instead of the size that fit snuggly in order to accommadate my boobs. dumb move. the dress ended up being 3 sizes too big and still about a size too big when they took it in. (but i would still pick that dress, it was so pretty)

5. I should have tried to make the individual wedding cakes work within our budget. I wanted instead of cupcakes, small personal cakes (like 3 bites would have finished it). it would have been so cute, but at first glance was too pricey, i didn't try to make it work and I should have.

6. Gotten a food tasting. We thought our beef was going to be like steak but it was more like a pot roast. still tasty but not as expected.

7. Loretta. enough said. (for those who don't know she was the Bethel assigned wedding host and did a TERRIBLE job at the rehearsal. I wanted things to flow a certain way and she was not about that. oye.)

Now to gush about what I LOVED:

1. My photographers. They were more than I expected to get. I will never forget sitting at Rachels house looking through the pics to pick the ones to go in our coffee table book and being amazed that those were MY wedding pictures. Her and Bethany made it veryyyy easy and fun to be in front of the camera. Especially for someone who doesn't enjoy being in pictures.

2. The Marriott. They were super! They were willing to help me get everything I wanted. I never thought I would ever be able to afford chair covers but they let me use that cost to meet the minimum $ amount for a Sat reception even though it was supposed to be used on food. They were attentive and quick and our steak and scallops were delicious.

3. My aisle runner. I am quite impressed I was able to make something that looked purchased (until you got up reallllll close to

4. The groom :)

5. Everything else! lol I can't go ahead and list everything I loved but the whole day was like a dream except I remember it all! It went so smoothly (with the exception of the crazy BANG noise during the ceremony).

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmas: Part Deux

So yes this is an update. Sorry for those of you who are sick of hearing about the dreaded root canal. I figure if this is like i journal then it gets the wonderful task of life documentation. So here we go...

For those of you who have never had one, don't get one. Its not that it was painful though, it was the 1 entire hour of wondering if you are going to feel any pain. They numbed me first (yes! bring on the novacaine) one shot on the outer gum and another shot on the roof of my mouth area close to the tooth. The gum one hurt far more cause they stick ya and then slowly push it in deeper. Then they let you sit for a few short mins to get all numby. And then the drilling begain. This Dr was nice cause he would tell me when I'd feel slight pressure or vibrations and such. The part i didn't like, not cause it hurt, was when they take these mini drill/file thingys and start shaving away at the inner hole he created down the center of my tooth. no joke he like sticks these little things in the whole and starts shaving it with this jabbing motion. At this point I was doing the "dear God don't let me feel any pain" over and over and over. This goes on for about 20-30 mins with different size files to get deeper into the tooth and then he drills a bit more and then its over. Then the dr explained to me that because of my large abcess, when they initially broke through the tooth there was a flood of puss. Because of all the puss they don't want to close the tooth (ie finish the procedure) because the abcess needs to drain. lovely. so i have a tiny hole (you can see it) and they gave me a syringe to flush it out with. I go back the 19th to finish it, so I will be all wonderful for the holidays!

Neat right? Did i mention they are raping me with the cost? Mmmhmm.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas

Confession: I am getting a root canal. Is that even allowed at our age? I know I know, im not 12 and its bound to happen as I get older but seriously... SERIOUSLY! I shoulda just told the dentist to pull it out. I don't need a cute looking tooth. I can do without. So yeah this must totally just be "my" year. Surgery in March, root canal in december. wonderful. but just for giggles ill tell you whyyy i went in to the dentist. I have an abcess. YUM. think of a giant swollen mass ooozing with warm yellow pus! mmmm (its not oozing at all but it sounds nasty doesn't it!?!) It is on my upper right side of my gum. Its HUGE! In touching it it spans almost 3 teeth. and when I push on it there is this mixture of relief and discomfort. Thankfully it has not gotten to the OH CRAP stage where it hurts and you have to go to medical emergency and half your face swells (yeah that happened to Dad...I clearly got his teeth). But I could tell something was wrong when I would sniff and it felt like there was a chunk of something stuffed between my gum and cheek/upper lip. I let it go for mmm 4wks maybe more but today I just couldn't take it. An odd way to describe it is that it feels tight like there is something in the middle of my tooth that is pushing on tthe sides of the tooth. So i stopped into the dentist. (this is the 3rd time I have been there for this same tooth! you'd think with all the darn X-rays they took they could tell the tooth was freaking rotting! come on!) They are putting me on antibiotics for the swelling and decaying. Overall Im estimating a heafty bill of $900-$1000. Be jealous! Cause don't you think I am special?! lol Actually i really just crave your pity and a new set of teeth. Im totally swearing off soda!! Im done with the stuff. its the only thing I drink and its GOT to be the reason I have such terrible teeth problems. OYE!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

I guess Im just odd like that!

Confession: Im totally crushing on "More than a feeling" by Boston. Is that possible to crush on a song? Well I am! and as geeky as it sounds i realized i loved this song by hearing it on rock band! yeah I know. go ahead and throw out the loser cough on me. But seriously I think I could listen to it like 20 times in a row (im currently finishing number 3 and starting 4). I don't know what it is about the song...its not really the words cause they are kinda gay, but i think its the vocals and guitar, yes..sweet lord its the guitar! Its one of those songs that you think of when you imagine the ultimate concert. A song like this would be playing, everyone would be rocking out to it and for those 4 mins you are in a completely different place. Confession: i do that alot. and by "that" i mean hear a song i love and imagine the perfect setting for it to be played in. Kind of like my version of a music video! Here are some of my favorites:
**Dj Sammy's version of Heaven is my ultimate club song. Its "scene" would be a very trendy underground club where some lucky girl gets to dance with THE HOTTEST guy she has ever danced with :) but this in't just any club, i mean it is like the beautiful people club and UBER NYC. It is what every 18 year thinks a club is supposed to be like (and not dark, dirty, sticky and smoke-filled like they really
**Don't stop Believing by Journey: this would be my bar song. Where you would be totally performing in a bar in like some dive bar band, complete with pink streaked hair and fishnets with cool holes in them. And the lead would not just sing the song, she would be PERFORMING it. And people would be raising glasses and drunk singing. yes thats exactly the setting :)
**American Girl by Tom Petty: This song plays out in my head exactly like the words. It starts with an american girl blonde running away in a convertable car with the top down along an ocean drive and goes through what she does in the lyrics of the song. Although I kinda think on the morbid side with this song, so its like an almost-suicidal-last-minute-decided-not-to kinda thing.
**Sarah Mcglauclin (sp?) The one that goes: "IIIIII feel so alive, this is all I wanna feel tonite..." Well lauren, em and I always laughed and said we would do a video for this one, so it plays out like that. Some girl would be arguing with her man on the phone, crying, begging him not to go and then slam the phone down and whip her head around to stare out the window onto the beach (at night) under a clear star filled sky while tears poured down her face(good one isnt it!)lol

This is really only effective if I haven't seen the video, which is why these are primarily older songs! Once i have seen a video thats what usually plays in my head (hence the reason why MJ isn't on this little list) But that is totally what goes on in my mind when Im listening to my ipod. I can't be crazy, there has gottaaaa be other people out there who do the same. right? If not, then i guess that just makes me way cool for being that creative and original 'eh?!

Happy Friday! and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Flashback to my life...

20 years ago I... (1988)

1. would have been starting kindergarten, and just gotten my beloved stuffed kitty named Tinker.

2. Been awaiting Susans birth in the coming months

3. playing barbies with my best friend Kayce

10 years ago I... (1998)

1. would have been wearing jumpers, scrunchies and stockings like it was cool (cause we all know it really wasn't!)

2. woulda been rocking out to Michael W. Smith, Carmen, Point of Grace and other old school christian favorites.

3. not even THINKING about boys or getting my license... I was probably up in my room with Tinker reading a book! :) or playing Barbies with

3 years ago I... (2005)

1. had graduated Roberts Wesleyan (thank God!) and beginning RIT's MBA degree

2. was starting to spend time with what turned out to be my amazing husband (who woulda thought internet romances work?! lol)

3. partied like I was still in college! I definitely couldn't hang with myself from back then now. She could totally drink me under the table!

1 year ago I...(2007)

1. got engaged to Alfie and got a perfectly beautiful diamond ring to prove it! :)

2. accepted my first real job as a financial analyst at Kodak...i guess that makes me an adult now!

3. began thinking about joining weightwatchers to lose weight for the wedding the following year (i did join and ended up losing 16lbs!)

This year I... (2008)

1. purchased a beauuuutiful 2006 Nissan Altima and found out what it is like to drive a nice car!

2. had surgery to remove a very large (12cm) dermoid tumor/cyst on my ovary...pretty much had a c-section but without the benefit of having a snuggly little baby to keep!

3. GOT MARRIED to othe most wonderful man alive! It was a dream wedding and the day went by perfectly!

This month I.... (December)

1. Got to go see the Nutcracker!! My first time ever after wanting to go since I was in fourth grade!

2. will finallllllly join alfie in going to his church's christmas eve service! (this has been 3 years late...wooops)

3. celebrate christmas!!! yay!

Yesterday I...(Dec. 1st)

1. worked during the day...oooo exciting

2. had Zumba class....I LOVE that class! it is the most fun excercising I have ever done. I highly recommend it!

3. was naughty and had mcdonalds for dinner...shame on me!

Today I...(Dec. 2nd)

1. had a doctors apt. to get a better B.C. perscription (now I get to pay $10 a month instead of the $50 raping I was paying before!)

2. am going grocery shopping! I kind of enjoy it, makes me feel very domestic. especially since i don't cook very often!

3. attempted to finish up christmas shopping for my family members. Or atleast narrow down the possible ideas for what to get everyone!

Tomorrow I will... (Dec. 3rd)

1. watch private practice!!! i love that show!

2. be happy that there is no more cardio kickboxing classes left! That teacher was re-dic-u-lous!

3. finish purchasing the gifts for our moms!

In the next year I will... (2009)

1. purchase a bedroom set. Its the last major furniture purchase we need and our bedroom definitely lacks that finished look the rest of the house has!

2. save up for a nice weekend trip for alfie and I. Nothing fancy, just someplace out of rochester that would be fun for us to go to!

3. pray for a roushey niece or nephew :) lol jk lets see how closely christy reads this!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Friday :)

Confession: I did it. I braved the chaos that is black friday. And I loved it!!! OMG it was awesome! Ok so first off thursday Alfie and I went to my house for dinner and we discussed where were all wanted to head out to. The consensus was to hit "the plaza" aka Kohls, Target, Old Navy, etc. right there in webster. We planned it like this: Kohls opened first at 4am, then Old Navy at 5am then finish off with Target at 6am. I wanted to get a GPS unit, christy wanted to get a camera, and then we all wanted the various DVD and clothing bargains that were literally dirt cheap. So after dinner alfie and I had to head to his parents for dessert and games. We finally headed to our house at around midnight and stopped to grab a newspaper so we could realllllllly look through and grab coupons, and list where we wanted to go. We finally went to bed around 1am. Nice. I had my alarm set for 3:15. When it finally went off it was like christmas! that rush you get where even though you know you should be exhausted, you are awake and excited...yeah that was me! So i nudged alfie and told him time to get up and he rolled over. I got up and started getting ready. This time when I told alfie it was time to go, he replied with "umm yeah I think i am just going to stay in bed" PUNK! Talk about totally flaking out. Oh well. I left anyways! On the drive there, I gave both mom and christy a call and neither answered. I was starting to get annoyed at the thought that EVERYONE was punking out on me. But oh well. So i drove into the plaza parkinglot expecting a few cars, whatever. HECK was UN...REAL! The parking lot was full in front of kohls and all the way out to the first parking lot when you turn into the plaza (the one that everyone races through to cut over to target). So I parked and it was about 10mins to 4am. I waited in this crazy line for 10 mins in only my sweater and scarf (i didn't want to lug my coat around). And then the gates of shopping heaven opened. people didn't run as I was expecting, everyone was nice and just kind of walked right in. hmmm ok kind of a let down but whatever. I booked it in, doing my speed walk and grabbed a shopping bag. I grabbed my 1st pass GPS unit then susans gift, then a pair of "ugg" boots and headed into line. The line took about 10 mins to cash out....not too bad. Ok one store down 2 to go. By then mom had called me, saying her and christy and susan were up and heading to Old Navy to get jeans for $8-$14. can't beat that! So I headed over there to wait with them. In talking I realized there was really nothing I needed here at Old Navy so since christy reallllllly wanted the camera I would go over there and wait in line for her! So i headed over to Target. This was around 4:50. The line was to the left (as you face the store) all the way to the end of the starbucks seating area with the glass windows. So I am standing there chatting with the people in line and the girl behind me is telling us about the GPS units Target has and how she was going to get the one at Kohls (which I got) but her computer and electonice savy sister said the one at target was WAYYYY better, so Ok im sold, Ill get the one at Target and return the Kohls one. No biggie. By about 5:20 mom, christy and susan joined us in line and we all waited together til they opened. We plotted who was going for what, and how many to grab for ourselves and our new friends in line. Christy and susan were booking it to the back for the camera and me and mom were headed to the jewelry counter where the GPS units were. 6am hit and THIS was the pandamonium I was looking for. People cutting from the back and running to the front. Us yelling people were cutting!! People running to the back of the store to get their prized purchase! Susan was the legs for christy, by the time christy got to the back of the store susan was already in line... way to go snatty! I was second in line to get the GPS units I wanted and our friends from the line outside were 3rd and 4th!

After I got my GPS, I headed to the back electronic section to look at the DVDS and GOOD LORD it was crazy back there!! Everyone trying to get a Wii or Xbox or camera all had to wait in the same line. I just went to the DVDs instead of the electronics. They had all 6 seasons of sex and the city for $8 each!! normally they are 24.99!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT! so i grab one of each season :) Merry christmas to me! But it was just the experience of going through what you imagine Black friday morning crowds to be like, that made it well worth it. By 6:16 both christy and I were cashed out and in front of the store! 1hr waiting, 16 mins of shopping...crazy.Then I headed back to kohls to return the first GPS and then to Old Navy to look around and then headed home to go to bed. Christy and mom kept the shopping up. But as I lay in bed, my heart was still racing and I felt like I had just gone through the experience of a lifetime. It was crazy all the adrenaline that was going through me. I couldn't sleep so instead I woke alfie up (this was prob 7:20ish) and showed him my great purchases! Then forced him to take me to breakfast and then per his request, head to marketplace mall to do some shopping. i didn't get to go to bed until like 9pm that night but once i did i slept like a baby!

And that dear friends was my black friday experience! It was so worth it and I would totally do it again! It was the most excitement I have had in a while. :) I will definietly be doing it next year, so if you are up to it, join me!

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is why I blog.. this is why, this is why, this is why i blog!

So its crappy Monday yet again(i guess its not really crappy, id just rather be home sleeping than here, therefore making today crappy) and i don't really have anything intelligent to write about, but for me this blog is cathartic. Confession: I have kept a journal since highschool. Yeah crazy, cause im not a great writer. I just happen to be one of those people whose thoughts and feelings get all jumbled together and i have much better clarity when I put it out on paper(or on computer). Its funny to go back through and read my journals. I wrote them to "Journal" who in my head was a person, who would read what i wrote, and care about my feelings. I generally didn't write to myself, it was often a third person. I literally started out with" Journal," and ended with "love, Kimi." Sometimes there would be a p.s. or an update from a previous entry. If I hadn't written in a while, I would "apologize" and then update with whats been going on since then. lol silly i know. Some were upbeat and funny and some were sad and depressing. i really had a hard time with boys and my physical appearance and wondering how come nobody wanted to date me. Its pretty sad to go back through and see how much boys impacted my self worth, and how ugly I honestly felt. I read them through now and have been tempted MANY times to throw them away but part of me wants to save them for my kids (cause they probably would get a kick out of them) and then the other part of me saves them for me cause they are my memories. I wrote about my massive crush in highschool, about my crazy roommate dramas in college, about meeting boys, about meeting and getting to know alfie, about feeling happy with life and sad and angry. I even wrote a letter to my future husband, lists of what i would like to accomplish in life, a timeline (i should be taking my children to Disney world this year according to that! lol) and even doodled clothing designs (I totally had a sweater dress drawn in there from prob freshman year college and now they are in style!) You name it its in there. I enjoy the candidness of blogging/journaling and it definitely helps me from being uber emotional because I take it out in the entry instead of the person/people. So that is why I blog... because I have before just in a different form, because it helps and because its fun. It has nothing to do with who reads its (although i do love knowing people care enough about my life to peek into it) and has everything to do with MUAH! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gobble Gobble....

Confession: I can be a bit dirty at times. Surprise surprise. Those who know me are prob like "yeah nice OBVIOUS confession Kimi". But for the most part sexual humor, or talk doesn't bother me. Unless ofcourse I am with people who are either 100'x more groady and raunchy than me, or with people who can't handle sexual humor. then its just awkward. So since I can be dirty and joke with most, and in the spirit of the Thanksgiving season I thought I would share this Top 10 list that christy sent to me (from a coworker...ew):

Top 10 things you can only say at Thanksgiving!

10. Talk about a huge breast!

9. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.

8. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!

7. That's one terrific spread!

6. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?

5. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!

4. Don't play with your meat.

3. I didn't expect everyone to come at once!

2. How long will it take after you stick it in?

and the Number #1 thing you can only say on

1. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.

haha nastaaaayyy. Think of these when you are all seated around the table enjoying a festive holiday gathering and your grandma says "Billy don't play with your meat! If you are just gonna play with it, stop and let someone else enjoy eating your meat." Only YOU will be the dirty one to think of it in this context :) LOL ( that was pretty much AWESOME!)

Happy Turkey Day :P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

King Of Pop

Confession: I love Michael Jackson.

To me he is the greatest artist of all time, and fully deserves to be called "The King of Pop". You will rarely hear me say negative things about him and yes, I am one who does not believe he did anything harmful to children. Sadly he is just a bit different than people are used to and growing up in the public eye may have done more harm than good for Michael (yeah we are on a first name basis). But today I just have to say... " Seriously Michael?" Why does he ALWAYS have to be in the headlines for something retarded. Why can't people just leave him alone. and WHY can't he fricken do a show in Vegas!! lol YES i know wouldn't that be awesome! I already told alfie if he ever does a show in vegas I. AM. GOING. lol i would pay up to $1000 for a ticket to see his show, thats how much I love his music and his artisty.

I mean homeboy made history all in one night, one show by debuing his new sound with Billie Jean AND by doing the moon walk. Artists today have all been molded from the King of Pop.... Justin Timberlake, Usher, Chris Brown... all use his iconic dance moves and high pitched voice in many of their tracks, yet its amazing how few pay homage to their influence. Artists even go as far as using his actual beats in their music, like Rihanna's Please don't stop the music (it is originally MJ's Wanna be starting something). Even the concept of music videos became popular after his legenary "Thiller" video. On top of that his album Thriller, still holds the Guiness World Record for top selling album in history. YEAH WHAT?!? lol Yet people are so quick to hate on this amazing artist. I am a ginormous fan of his work and yeah he is a lil crazy and off at times, but who isn't. I for one would STILL LOVE to meet him. I would totally be one of those screaming/fainting/crying girls they used to show on tv at his concerts, and yes, the day he dies I will definitely mourn. I still remember where I was when I heard them say he was found not guilty on the child molestation charges. (I was getting off at the Rt. 250 exit in webster) I also got quite a few phone calls informing me. I am pretty sure I almost And no worries, pretty much my best friend thinks he is a child molestor, and I still love her, so no fear, your MJ preference doesn't bother me :)

Lauren..these are for you:

What do MJ and KMart have in common?....Little Boys pants half off!

How does MJ know when its time for bed?.....When the little hand touches the big hand.

How do you know when MJ has company?....There are Big Wheels in the driveway.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Yeah, nope. I don't get it.....


If you have ovaries and female reproduction organs, you are a woman. According to Webster's Dictionary a female is "being the sex that bears young or produces eggs". Hm now this coould be argued with "what about women who get ovaries removed and can't produce eggs or bear young." Ok, i get that. But thats where this second part comes into play: "designed with a hollow or groove into which a corresponding male part fits" Ok, then please explain to me HOW this woman who calls herself a man is so special for having a baby? (self proclamation doesn't make you whatever you want to be) SHE IS STILL A WOMAN! Right? From what I have read, she has no weiner, she has ovaries and a uterus. What then makes her a man? The facial hair? Hmm no i know plenty of ladies who can grow stashes. lol The masculine clothing? Umm no sorry thats just a personal style. Maybe its the love of her same sex? yeah no thats just makes you gay. I don't get it. Sure she is on hormones but that doesnt make you a man. Don't we teach little kids, boys have a penis and girls a vagina? Then how are we calling this a "boy" when she clearrrrly has no penis (no an elongated clitorus is NOT a penis) **sorry for the In my mind he is really a SHE, and therefore SHE is not all that important because SHE's have children often andthe only difference is that this SHE dresses like a dude. I mean seriously... SHE GOT HER PERIOD! COME ON! lol that is ALL WOMAN! This is just crazy. not even a fun crazy, more like a dumb crazy. If i decide to say I am a monkey, and move into the jungle, grow out my hair, live in trees, eat monkey food, that doesn't make me a monkey. It just makes me a crazy person who acts like a monkey. oye!

Friday, November 14, 2008

This is MY house...wait I mean OUR house :)

First, can i just say "YAY its friday!!" Thank you! - Ok, on to the blog. Confession: This "our" thing is pretty tough. As the weeks pass, Alfie and I have been working on putting our home in order. (can you believe its already been 3 months!!) Only problem is what I like is often WAY different than what he likes.

I like....






He Likes....






This makes for decorating our home an interesting task. For example, just the other day we were FINALLY decorating a wall in the living room with a shelf (because we are having a whole bunch of guys over saturday who are going to honestly care if there is a shelf on the wall. mmmhmmm yes you feel me?!) Anyways I was cool with the shelf up and putting stuff that we have on if for now just to see what we like. Alfie, on the other hand, wanted to practically drill everything in place and never ever ever move it. LOL. Poor thing hasn't realized my crazy obsession with changing a room around. So ok i was able to convince him to let me think on things before we start drilling holes in the wall for stuff to hang. And ofcourse I came up with a better idea the next day. Which needless to say has not been implemented. Good/cost effective decorating takes time! He isn't quite sure of it but I think it will look better than what is there now. I always chuckle to myself as I wonder what the house would look like if i let him decorate as he wants. Although I do feel amazingly blessed that he likes to have an imput. So many guys could careless when their wife askes which color duvet to put on the bed. Alfie (as long as you catch him in the right mood) will think about it and answer (he chose red for this week). I am very blessed. I just struggle with having to incorporate enough of his stuff so that 1. he feels comfortable in his house, and 2. that he keeps giving me an input when i ask.

Confession: Alfie is as weird as I am. LOL yeah I know! Who woulda thought its possible. But anyways, yesterday alfie and I went to Kohls to do a bit of shopping (his giftcard was burning a hole in his pocket and so was my paycheck!) and we were in the home section way in the back looking at frames and they were playing Rihannas "Please Don't Stop the Music" (yes that is a totally rip off of MJ's Wanna Be Startin Something) when I started walk dancing in the aisle next thing you know alfie and I busted out the robot and were "roboting" to the song, right there in the middle of the aisle at Kohls. LOL that is what I love about him!

So enough of that. Whats up for this weekend??
Actually nothing for tonight. Probably just some cleaning for tomorrow, in which we are having people watch the UFC pay per view fight. Yeah I. am. so. excited.....can't you tell? But thats ok, cause I totally get to hangout with Sara for dinner and some quality Color Me Mine time! I can't wait. I think I am going to paint something christmassy for the house. And in the morning I am doing hair for my second set of sisters! Lauren and Shauna for a wedding they are going to! I haven't had a chance do do updos in forever, that I am really looking forward to it. Pluuus im getting a free breakfast out of it, because they loooove my work (and im doing it So yes I am so ready for my weekend of YAY to start. I probably will leave work at 3 to enhance the YAY factor!!

Have a good weekend all!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

HAHA... Are you serious?!

Ok what do you get when you take


You get MTV Presents: RockBand Battle. HUH? Yes what you are thinking is EXACTLY right! All those times playing RockBand when you think, I wish I was on a stage with lights and fans (ok maybe everyone doesn't think that)! Well finally the time has come to showcase the excitement that is rock band! According to the commercial Alfie and I watched (which totally made us proptly set the DVR to record the show) groups of average joe Rock Band addicts play onstage in a concert type setting, televised on tv. Seriously? Does it get any cooler than that?! I personally am looking forward to some freakin Bon - Jovi being played right!

Ok so as geeky as it sounds this got me thinking... kareoke is so effin popular but thats only singing.... why don't places do a rockband night?! HOLLA that would rock! That could totally be an avenue the game could take, in a non-video game sorta way you "play through songs" and bars would host these RockBand nights complete with mic stands and lights and a "stage" it would be LEGEND.... wait for it DARYYYYY! I know champs did a guitar hero night but seriously this is wayyy better and I would totally go hear people attempt songs on Rock band! So when this trend takes off, just remember where you heard it first....ME! Then I thought its a shame they didn't have non-secular songs cause could you imagine what an excellent YG event that would be hosted by some church....sigh oh well.

Just my tidbit to get you to watch the show! You know I will be! :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Whoaaa thats HOT!!

Ok so in an effort to be frugal (yes thrifty but not cheap) we keep out heat low at the house and usually just wear sweatshirts or blankets when laying around watching tv. No biggie right? Well last year I purchased what I call "my blanket". My blanket is actully a sweater but its HUGE with a turtleneck collar and that microplush material. It is the most comfortable thing ever! So i tend to throw on "my blanket" and my slippers (those are actually slippers) and am super comfortable all evening. So last night I am all bundled up and decided to go to bed early (great decision cause i really woke up so rested!). Anyways, our bedroom is as cold as the rest of the house and the sheets were freezing so I decided to leave "my blanket" on when I got into bed. I fell asleep quickly. Alfie said at 9:10 when he came looking for me after him movie so we could watch House I was totally out! Now all I remember was going to bed in a freezing room with cold sheets under a nice and thick down blanket and waking up in HELL! No joke i felt like I was in a suana. I had completely fallen asleep in a thick sweater with pants, socks and down blanket. My tshirt was sooo wet (not damp but WET) and my hair at my neck had curled from all the sweat. It was nassss - ttttaaayyy ! Needless to say, I had to change into dry pjs in the middle of my night.

On a weirder note (yeah cause that first part wasn't odd enough), I had the most bizarre dream last night. This is what i remember from it: I was at this mall by myself shopping. Some guy came up to me, i don't know if he was bothering me or what but he told me I could hit him in the face. So i totally punched him. Like a good UFC knockout kinda punch. He was stunded and so were his friends and I think I hit him twice and said something about how I have a punching bag so I have a good hit. Like no joke this was a kick @$$ hit! Anyways, so then I got nervous that he was gonna come after me as I was leaving the mall that I said something to the girl at the icecream place (i guess we were friends and I was having icecream). She told me to go see her friend at NY&Co and they would help. I don't remember if it was a guy or a girl but next thing I know me, christy and someone else are attempting to sneak into my parents house. weird. Thats all I remember. But I was pretty impressed with my super punch.
Moral of the story: Don't mess with me, I can be pretty bad @$$ if I need to :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hi! Wanna be friends?!

Confession: X (the company I work for) is full of old people. Now don't get me wrong, old people are nice if you want sympathy or to be taken care of but when you want friends.... old people just don't cut it all the time. So in my quest to find people MY age, I have found 3: The cleaner who picks up my trash... nice guy to shoot the breeze with in the morning. Then there is the other cleaning girl but she is really quiet and then there is the New Girl!! I have seen her in the hall a few times and initially thought she was a cleaner but then noticed she never had the tell tale garbage or mopp with her. Hmmm what does she doooo? Well today in my inbox i had a meeting update adding someone new to a bi-monthly meeting. At the bottom it said "Sally Kay" added to meeting notice (name changed to protect identity). So nosey me looked her up in the directory and YAY! its the young girl!!! (by young i mean my age!) Now tell me how sad it is that that is clearly the highlight off my day? I plan to make her a friend. it really is no fun spending 40hrs a week with your parents. Some I will admit are cool and you can totally hang with but others are just soooo blah. i find it problematic if they have children my age. It makes me feel like loser plus its just way hard to relate. Especially when its the "what did you do over the weekend?" conversation. They respond with "well i drove lil bobby to basketball then picked up suzy from college for the weekend" and your weekend was "hung out with friends at a party, went to a bar, etc." but PTL I have found a friend!! lol yes that sounds so loser ish, but seriously.....SERIOUSLY. So my goal is to make her a buddy. Is that stalkerish? it feels like it!

Confession: X gave me free tickets! yes thats right I won free tickets to the nutcracker! YAAY. I have only been waiting to see this since I took dance in 4th grade. Evvvvvery year mom said she would take me and EVvvvvvery year she never did. Well anyways i saw the drawing for the tickets and put my name in the bin 4 times in an effort to snag the convetted prize. I guess persistance pays off! So alfie and I and another lovely couple are going and doing it up! We are going to a nice dinner at Black and Blue and dressing up. I already know what I am going to wear! Alfie just got me this black very Jackie O looking dress (i was there he just insisted I get it and paid for it) it was only $15 but it has white around the collar and the two pockets. Anyways that should be a very fun time!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Take me OUUUUUUT Tonite!

Confession: I LOVE going out. Now ease up. its not for the typical 20 yr. olds reasons. I love dancing and getting dressed up and people watching and loud music. One of my wishes is that I hadn't given up taking dance growing up, because it was so much fun and I was pretty good at it. Well to me thats going out. I could care less about the alcohol, or about the trashy grinding on people, or the going out to pick someone up (duh im married). But you give me a darkend room with crazy lights and loud music(good stuff none of this scream-o alternative crap) and I am sooo in my element! But as I get older I don't get to go out as often as in college. And thankfully I don't miss it as much, but sometimes you just hear "that song"... you know... the one with the hot beat and awesome vibe to it that you can't help but dance everytime you hear it (yep even in the car). For me that song lately has been Forever, by Chris Brown or an old faithful "yeah yeah" by Usher or for an old - school song "Push It" by Salt and Peppa. I mean I hear ANY of those songs and my lips instantly pucker (ya know in that fake myspace picture smile) my head and shoulders bob and my booty shakes (even as slight as it may seem). Its such a good time!! Thats just the dancing portion! Add in the LOADS of people wearing different outfits its like walking through a fashion magazine! You see so many different people rocking their version of what is hot and you totally go home thinking "Ok maybe I could wear cute leggings or a snazzy hat" Or that ever so popular Victoria Beckham hairstyle! And then i have to admit, I thoroughly enjoy the dark side....the drama. Yes I know, Im terrible. but really don't lie, you like it too. I mean come on - You would totally stop and stare if you saw some girl YELLING at her guy and ended up throwing her cell phone at him in the middle of the road and it flying apart cause she missed! I mean thats some serious Jerry Springer action!! that my friends is going out at its best, well worst i guess.

On the up side I will give the first person who can accurately tell me what my title of this blog is from (Take me OUUUUUT Tonite) MAJOR props and a cyber high five (yeah I know excellent incentive). Its from one of my favorite movies (i'll label it a movie because it would give it away if i labeled it what it originally is) and Alfie thinks its gay (lol pun yeah I know).

So I am hoping to go out for a bit tonite. maybe someplace new. to atleast get a taste or the music/people/dancing/fashion that I enjoy! You wanna go??

Monday, November 3, 2008

Its begining to look a lot like Christmasssss....

Can you believe its November already??? WOW talk about the months flying by! But its finally almost "tis the season" time. Confession: Im actually feeling the spirit of christmas this year!! yeah i know you are probably like "WHAT?? who are you? the grinch?" Noo its not that I don't like christmas but some of the hoopla does get on my nerves... like the excessive christmas music. Do we HAVE to play the same 10 songs over and over from Thanksgiving til new years? or how about the Crazy decor of tinsle, ribbon, ornaments, reindeer and the like. Don't get me wrong I generally enjoy all that for a few days but come on they ALREADY decorated the mall! Let us enjoy the beautiful harvest time before all the christmas decorations. I haven't even gotten a chance to hate pumpkins and leaves yet!! But this year is different! I am looking forward to christmas (minus the snow). Maybe its cause I get to decorate the house MY way and shop for lil "tis the season" knick-knacks. And get to have christmas music playing and my very own little christmas tree! I am VERY much into christmas this year. Alfie ofcourse is VERY much into christmas every year. AND for the very first time since dating Alfie, I will FINALLY accompany him to the christmas eve service! Every year he has asked me to go and every year I have been guilted by mother into going to the family christmas get-to-gether. But this year I have already said I would go and am hoping to offer my assistance to the Christmas play (HAHA don't worry folk, I won't be singing nor acting. my talents must be used elsewhere). I am looking forward to having the house all Christmassed out! I even contimplated how fun it would be to have a Christmas party! But I think we are going to do a dressy New years Extravaganza instead. I haven't decided if we want to do a small formal dinner or a Large bring a "fancy" dish to pass and get all dressed up party. We will see. Probably the more the merrier! But ONLY if people dress up! No jeans, no sweats.... cocktail attire. Sport coats and khakis or dress pants and dresses or skirts or pantsuits for the ladies. I think it will be fun, a nice reason to dress up!

Monday, October 27, 2008


So this weekend went by too fast! But not without PLENTY to laugh about. Friday night we went to the graduation party for becky. It was a lot of fun and we got to play Rock Band 2, which at first glance is AWESOME, but after saturdays plans its banned from the house until further notice. But anyways, we had a lot of fun playing RB2, and its songs were wayyyy better than the first one. Then saturday rolled around, and we had planned (prior to playing on friday night) to play on saturday for a bit. Well it was my understanding it would be me alfie, jake, ryan and lauren... ohh boy was I wrong. Well it was 4 of us for about 2hrs but then it quickly turned into 10 ppl in my little home who kept playing for another 2 hrs. so we had the dumb thing going for 4HOURS!! in my world thats 2hrs too long. Not only that but i had totally just cleaned that morning so now I had people moving things around to sit and it got crazyyyy loud and I just wanted quiet (i had gotten up at 8 to clean) andI had stuff i needed to get done but couldn't really do that. Moral of the story is NEVER AGAIN. :) That my friends is how things become unwelcome at my house :) (im starting to get annoyed just thinking about saturday).

Then the fun got brought back when we went over to steve and megs house with dave cassie mark becky and ryan. We played an AWESOME game of catch phrase. Here are some of the highlights from that game:

** SOB: I thought that was S.O.B so my drescription consisted of "last word is a female dog" although sadly it shoulda been "another word for crying very hard" woops!

**Bat Boy: Most would think of the boy who gets the baseball bats at a baseball game. Nope, not ryan. His description was "its a mythological creature". This is what he was thinking:

LOL it was pretty funny cause Alfie actually got it.
**Enema: My description was "its when they shoot water up your butt to flush you out"... Dave got it!! We then had a discussion about whether or not the actually "shoot" stuff up there or just insert it and it dissolves.

But the hands down best was the description for MOBY DICK, done by Cassie (i love that girl!)
It went a bit like this:

"Ok, i think its an author"
"second word is a part guys have, (motioning around the genital area)"

"Ok when they get excited and this happens (makes a boner motion with her arm)"

Needless to say none of us girls guessed Moby Dick, and we all had a great laugh as we explained what in fact Moby Dick was.

Overall it was a good time. We even got to do a little kareoke too, and learned a hilarious song called "Jesus is my friend"

Nothing like an old school song to make you laugh.

Friday, October 24, 2008


"Its Friday night. And the moon is bright. Gonna have some fun. Show you how its done... TGIF" Pleasssse tell me that someone else remembers that song from the Friday night TGIF show line up??

So yay! its another friday. Another week has gone by, much slower than the past few weeks and I am happy to say my mood is in a much better spot than it was mid week. Prob cause its friday. Confession: My hair looks snatty today. Like christy and susan would totally give me the "ooo honeeyy" look. I have been running late to work lately and so the thing that ends up suffering is my hair, which then just gets pulled into a low pony tail, like it is today. Although I think i missed some snatties in the back. (And by snatty I mean the pieces of hair that look frizzy and messy and like trashy. Its a combo of snarley and nappy, but the nice version of nappy not the racially mean way. And to make it cute we changed the pp's to tt's...and snatty was born). I also haven't tweezed my eyebrows in a bit so I prob look like a trashy man girl, which is way sad cause I actually have a semi cute outfit on today. oh well.

OH. ok has anyone seriously noticed how much is being shown on tv this season?!?! Maybe its me noticing it but seriously! Bones has been MUCH more gorey and House and Greys have been risque with their same- sex sex scenes. I mean each episode there is some sort of girl on girl or guy on guy or massive blood or body decomposing. Its insane. Last season was not even CLOSE to what is being shown. And then some of the things that get said. I was like WHOA. Ok so I get the implied sex, sure whatever. But when characters are asking for oral practice sessions so they can be better in their homosexual partnership, thats too much information for me. i can do without that kind of mental picture, thank you!! If you have not noticed it yet, wait for this weeks line up of shows and look for it and you will be like HOLY CRAP, kimi the blog ho was right!! lol :) (because i know thats how you refer to me as)

Since its friday its time to update with my busy weekend plans! lets see... tonite we are going to a good friends graduation from college party! YAY its always a reason to party when someone finishes a degree. Especially since it takes so much hard work. I don't miss it. Confession: I enjoy parties because it gives me an extra reason to get dressed up. I don't know about you but if i like leisurely getting ready to go out. Throw on some music and take the time doing my make up and pickingout what i want to wear. Anyways... so yeah thats where we are going tonite. Tomorrow we are supposed to have some people to play ultimate frisbee and then play rock band 2 HOLLA. i enjoy rock band(actually guitar hero better) for the guitars. Then later go to the Amazing Maize Maze, but I don't know because apparently it is supposed to rain all effing weekend. BAH HUMBUG. Oh well I will see some of the nice weather today because i am busting outta this joint!! yep i am leaving as soon as I finish this blog then pee. So if anyone is interested in rock band or hanging out tomorrow afternoon, give me a holla or a text.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Interesting. You try it!

An Interesting Confession:Paperclips make me salivate. Crazy. i know, i totally just figured this out. So i had a plain metal paperclip on my desk that i began playing with. This then led to unfolding it out of its paper clippy shape into a semi straight metal stick. This then led to me putting it in my mouth. Well here is where it got weird. I was rubbing it on my back teeth and tongue and holy crap would get this tart sour taste. Not like metal tastes but the same effect that having something sour would do. My tongue started salivating as long as I kept the paper clip in the right spot. Like I literally could drool. awesome. I think its my crowns reacting with the metal. it feels all tingly and weird, i kinda like it. its been the highlight of my day. You try it. see if it works for you or if it really is due to my teeth.

Update: i think its just the tongue. Cause Im now sucking on the paperclip and it is doing it when I rub my tongue over it in different areas.

Go ahead...give it a try. Its like a weightloss version of a lollipop. Im totally selling this idea!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I seriously need a project

Confession: I am no couch potatoe. Never have... never will be. Sure, I enjoy the occasional show once a night but I am not one to sit in front of the tv for HOURS on end. I would rather do something! Read a book, play with my makeup, come up with different outfits... call it "playing dress up" but for an adult. yeah go ahead an laugh but try it! it is wayyyy fun! throw on some tunes and it makes it even MORE fun! But anyways, I seriously need a project to do with my hands and my time. I have plenty of options: cleaning (HAHAHA no way), scrapbooking (good but I would need too many tools), knitting (possible), sewing (best option). I think i would be good at sewing. I could make pillows and drapes and blankets and clothes?!?! haha if you are christy, i know what you are thinking " clothes?? nice. Jumpers, shorts, vests. cute if you were back at WCS" True if I made the retarded ones, but imagine the PIZAZZ i could create with a sewing machine. I know JoAnnes has ones for like 100 and that would be so much fun to make stuff I need cheaper than the stores. PLUS i would be able to hem and take in clothing, instead of taking it to a taylor. I think it is finally catching up to me that I am done with the crazy planning lifestyle. No classes, no homework, no wedding plans, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Its driving me crazy. Although I guess i can begin planning my formal New years Dinner, but I have pretty much planned it. Sad, I know, seeing as it is 2 months away. But come on... how much do you wish you got to go to a nice party where you could wear a formal dress and guys a nice suit? and have a nice fancy sit down dinner?? i think it would be something different from the usual New Years party.

So any suggestions on good projects for me to take on? Id even be willing to pimp my services out for you teachers who need help cutting, folding, writing stuff up!! LOL yeah I know desperation.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Good Morning... I hate you.

Hello Mornings, I hate you. Yeah I know its such a strong and harsh thing to say but to reemphasize my confession from the other day... i am not a morning person, therefore I hate mornings. especially todays. In my ideal world, I would awaken to a slightly chilly room, wrapped up in a thick blanket all snuggly and warm and then there would be silence. No alarms blaring, no effing retarded loud dog barking for 20 mins, no cat clawing at the door to be let in and meowing, nothing but silence OR the sound of waves crashing on the beach might be nice to wake up to, but nothing else. Well this morning had all of the devilish above. My mornings start with Alfies phone alarm blaring an ungodly sound-song-beep thingy for about 15seconds or until i kick his leg to turn it off (he will just let it blare. It wouldnt be a problem if it was the radio or something) Then my alarm goes off, which i have lovingly set to 98PXY and usually hear Moose, Scottso, Sandy or Amanda cracking up over something good. Then I hit snooze. this cycle happens atleast 2 more times before the effing cat starts clawing because she hears noise in the room. So now add in clawing at the door and crazy meowing. Then to top it off this morning the retarded neighbors dog (not dillon and cristen, a different neighbor) was yipping for no joke 20-30 mins. I wanted to jump out our second story window, run over to the dog and drop kick it! I was so mad. So yes that is how i awake each morning. Something needs to change because I can not be this grumpy everyday! Its just not healthy. Any wake up suggestions beyond killing the cat and shutting off Alfies alarm without telling him and hiring a hitman for the dog?? I am clearly open to a wide range of suggestions!! lol.

So on the up side... thursday we get our wedding pictures back! I can't wait! I have like 10 different spots to hang these pictures in our home! We watched part of our wedding video over the weekend and it was very fun to relive the whole thing. In addition to that video we watched someother Brisco homevideos and i was in a few from a year ago. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME HOW FAT I LOOKED????? Confession: i.was.heafty. no joke people. I couldnt bear to look at the tv screen. In the first video all we saw was my boob and judging by the ginormous size of it my body musta been grande. Then we caught a glimpse of the rest of me. SWEET JESUS (say in spanish for a better affect). lets just say that doing weightwatchers for the wedding was the best thing I have done! Every penny I spent on that program was worth it 200 times over! Just so you can see for yourself. And no need to comment on it.

Exhibit A. 2007 in May:

Exhibit B. 2008 in August:

Happy Wednesday. :)

FYI... look at how pretty my friends lor and tut are. Be jealous that I have such stunning friends!! Oh and they both have THE BEST hair. Id totally trade in a heartbeat!

Monday, October 13, 2008

So blog already!

I will preface this blog by a confession: I am in a foul mood. Not even just foul but a the-only-thing-to-make-me-feel-better-right-now-would-be-10shots-of-liquor kinda mood. Effin' work and stupid people who don't know the hell what they want. But that is a blog I can't even possibly begin to write, not today, not ever nor do I want to talk about it, so don't call me and ask.

Buuuut back to the blog at hand. So blog already, would ya?! Whats the point of a blog that someone never updates?? Assuming the point of a blog is to keep people up to date with ones life, not writing in that blog does just the opposite...NOT update people on their lives. So blog! Come on. Its not like it takes an hour to put one together. Not even a whitty one takes that long.

So that I can not be one of those blog owners here is what has been going on with me....

Marriage... very good! Its a lot of fun being married although sometimes trying cause that person is around ALL the time, but I take some "ME" time because I enjoy being by myself with quiet time.

Friends.... good. they are all busy with work and life so its tough to get to see them and spend as much time with them as I would like to, but I am still happy for them and their happiness with life.

Housekeeping....slacking. I think i finally swiffered the kitchen floor last night since hmmmm a week and a half ago. i know...groady. What can I say? im busy and that is the last thing on my agenda when I get home. But thankfully the rooms are coming together nicely and I am accumulating stuff for the fall season.

Work. is work.

Activities....plenty! I have been doing lots on the weekends, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. I enjoy my down time but I also enjoy doing other stuff too, so thankfully I have been about even on business and play.

Family.... fun fun! I have gotten to spend a lot of time with Christy lately and I love it! Its a reminer of how much we all missed her and ben when they were in Jersey. And now that they are home it is how things should be! Although I do miss my lil snatty, who TOTALLY lived up to her name last night when she truly truly dressed the part. Let me share... her outfit for when all of us came over was jeans, a white tank top with a white mens undershirt overtop with the collar ripped into a V-neck and then her hair was snatty curls. ohh susan. lol

And me.... I have been a rollercoaster of emotions lately. Some days I am happy as a clam and other days I want to slice someones head off. And NO people stop that thought right now.
I. am. NOT. preggers. but I do think that my B.C. might be the cause for this since it is being weird in other ways.

Ok well the day is over and so is this blog and I am going home to make myself atleast 4 strawberry margaritas and maybe watch Sex and the City (again).

And remember people.....BLOG ALREADY!!! ok??

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hilarious Video

I watched this with Alfie on DVR yesterday from this past Saturday night. I almost peed myself!!

Another day, another blog

So I was debating on whether to write a blog now (seeing as I am at work) or wait til I get home and blog then (cause alfie is having a friend over for the football game). Procrastination of work won out and I am going to write something now.

Confession: I love fall. I guess thats prob not a great confession cause I am sure 80% of upstate NY enjoys the fall season due to the lovely display of the changing leaves. But I like it for a few reasons. 1. Wegmans always does the 2 for $3.00 glazed donut hole special!! (i bought one container the other week and pretty much ate through the entire thing myself. It was worth every pound i probably gained!) 2. The weather is cooler so there is less chance of me to sweat. (yeah I know i have a problem) and 3. It is perfect driving weather. Other than those great summer nights, Fall has the next best driving weather. The sun is out the windows give a crisp breeze, and throw on an old faithful classic like "Brown Eyed Girl", "Beat it" or "American Girl" and its bound to be a good drive.... who cares that you will prob waste a 1/4 tank of gas. With this weather it is totally worth it.

OML (thats oh my Lord) I watched the funniest SNL skit on saturday! (i think I was able to post it already).It totally made me laugh and just thinking about it makes me laugh! Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, October 3, 2008

To Christy...since you now read it....

For those of you (all 5 read the who are wondering whyy I am dedicating this blog to christy its because i love her and she i one of my favorite sisters.... go ahead, grab that tissue and wipe that lone tear that just trickled down your cheek....hahaha just kidding! Although it is true I love her and she is a fav but I am dedicating this to her because homegirl did NOT know i had a blog. Yeah i know...crazy. Well apparently putting the link in plain view on my facebook page is not enough. Plenty (ok more like a few) people have seen it and have read it which is how she found out about it. christy then went to bethanys and she mentioned it to christy (WOOP WOOP shout out to bethany an excellent photographer! check out her link there on the side). So now she reads it. YAY! I give her about a week before she starts her own. On that note... Bud Light presents: A Real Woman of Genius.... Today we salute you, Mrs. I- didn't- know- you- had- a- blog, -because- you- didn't- physically- send- me- the- link- to- it- so- I -wouldnt- have- to- put- any- effort- in. So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, pretty Lady...cause this one's for you!

Ok so this morning i was enjoying a leisure drive to work....I had gotten up on time, actually did my hair and make up, picked out a cute outfit when it happend.....

MC CAFE....I want youuuuu....MC CAFE....something somethinnnng.... MC CAFE....CREAMMMAY CHOCOLATE DREAMMMAY....something something something...MC CAFEEEEE!

I HATE THAT COMMERCIAL!! yet as much as i hate it I ALWAYS find myself singing it all day! ALL EFFING DAY! I was on my way to the bathroom...(ooo story there) and i caught myself humming it! I had to give myself a mental smack down because Ew come on?! i may have to break down and try one!!!!

Anyways for the bathroom story... My metal depressing heat lacking cubicle has one is about a 10second walk to the bathroom. Nice. especially cause i inhereted moms bladder. Well anyways, "they" (they being the powers that be) decided to redo the bathrooms! HALLELUJA (that spelling looks off?? anyways...) So yay cause this bathroom looked dir-tay. Like the linolium was all curling at the corners and the bottom of the stall posts there was massive dirt and grime. And there was this wayy crusty dried leaf in the vent that looked like a toad and creeped me out every time. So they began redoing this b-room last week. In the mean time we were to use the next closest restroom which is either a 5 min hike down the hall, OR a 3 min hike outside and to the next building. neither is really an option. They NEED to reopen my bathroom. The funny thing is that except for the first day when they tore everything down, I have not seen a SOUL working on it. Not one body. not even a shadow of one body! Nothing! So it looks like I am gonna have to keep hauling my lil booty around these buildings until the bathroom is fixed. great.

**UPDATE** my tooth feels better, i can actually chew on that side. i guess it musta been teeth grinding. YAY bring on the food!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kind of random but I guess thats me.

So I read an article today about 1 out of 5 employers web searching potential employees before hiring them. The article then gave multiple ways to safe proof yourself from being that non-hireable person. It first suggested you yahoo! or google yourself to see what employers would see about you. there is nothing out there about me. YAY. i mean i didn't expect there to be but there wasn't even an article about me. nice...i guess. Anyways I stumbled upon what would apparently be "me" if i was a dress....

This is the Kimi White dress and it costs about $135. I think I could totally wear that! Its a bit crazy but with an underlying classy look to it. But then I guess that would be me, crazy but overall classy. Throw in some black peep toe pumps or even go red for some pizazz! Put hair up in a french twist and hand me a martini, cause this lady is going out!! Very chic, id say.

So on a side note... actually on a more Debbie Downer note...I had an "emergency" dental appointment today. I call it "emergency" because I had this OMG kinda pain on my right side where i have 2 fillings and I couldn't tell if the pain was associated with the fillings or if I have been grinding my teeth. BUUUT I had cancelled my appointment last week so I had to go in anyways for a cleaning. I was just convienent in my timing. Confession: i HATE the going to the dentist. Its like a curse, every time i go in I come out with an appointment for some sort of drilling. I am only 25 but I have had 2 crowns, 1 partial crown and then 5 or 6 cavities/fillings. Terrible. But I do get to have some serious mouth bling. If you watch me laugh you can see the gold crowns on my bottom back teeth (molars?). Annnd this appointment was no different. Although I did not come out of the dentist with an appointment, I was informed that if the pain on my right side didn't go away with advil (HAHA like i honestly expect that to happen, the pain has been there for over a year) OR the tooth stops being sensitive to cold (its currently only sensitive to cold) then that means the nerve is dead and they will have to do a root canal! ARE YOU CRAZY!? Homegirl don't do root canals. For those of you who aren't familiar with the process, like me, i googled it and this is what i got...I could not post what I found because there was too much but Sweet LORD!! you totally shoulda seen me sitting here reading this with my hand covering my mouth over what they would have to do. So I just copied the link for your viewing pleasure.

Maybe I should just consider having them rip the tooth out. That might work out better for me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sleep...where have you gone old friend

Unfortunately I have never been one who has sleep come easy. Im not like Christy, who can sleep anywhere and everywhere, sitting up, laying down, during a movie, in the car, in the middle of the afternoon. Nope not me. I need to be laying down, in the dark. Pitch black preferably. With a fan going or some light music to distract me enough to fall asleep. Confession: I have this knack for picking out repetative noises and then fixating on them until I get driven crazy! Tapping, heavy breathing, even that stupid whistling noise peoples noses do sometimes. Yeah it will drive me crazy and then piss me off. Where was I going with this? OH yeah sleep. So anyways the past few nights have been TERRIBLE for me trying to sleep. Now remember I went from sleeping ALLLLL by myself in a twin bed (limited movement) to sleeping with Alfie who moves like he is fighting someone, he tosses and turns every few minutes. So yeah major thing to get used to. Now to make matters more difficult, add in a heavy down comforter. mmmmhmmm yes you can see where i am going. Take one rampant mover and one heavy comforter and you get one freezing kimi with NO BLANKET! So in order to stay warm, everytime Alfie rolls around, I grab the edge of my side and YANK my side of the comforter out from under him. The funny part is that our bed in a queen size but I like extra blankets so I registered us for a King size down comforter which means there is a lot more room on the sides. Sadly the only thing that gets warm with this extra blanket space is the stupid floor on Alfies side! GRR. So tonite I am going to attempt something new.... I am going to bring my own blanket to bed. Although I fully expect to wake up at 3am with Alfie attempting to use my blanket because he has rolled the comforter to the floor! Just you wait!!! On top of this add in one effing cat. WHAT? i love cats how can a cat be the problem?!?! Weeeelll this isn't my baby Bo. this is the DEVIL cat named NELLY. She meows ALLLLL the time and gets all in your biznazzz. No joke. OH and get this, Alfie loves her so i can't in good conscience leave the front door open in hopes that she "goes for a walk"! Nelly and I had an "incident"one night and Alfie believes that I did physical harm to i wish haha jk....but no I didn't touch her I just yelled and she flewwww out of the room. but if you ask him, he swears up and down that I did something....pshhh not me!! :P So add all this stuff up, the blanket stealing, the stupid cat, the tossing and turning and you get me...extra extra grumpy!! One would think it would be super easy to get used to sleeping with your spouse. I mean duh isn't that one of the marriage perks?? lol I am just super thankful that my wonderful husband does NOT SNORE. OMG that would be awful. AWFUL!!!

This weekend is going to be JAM PACKED! Friday Alfie and I am going to a Wine Party! Im excited because I enjoy wine and we get to try different kinds! And then saturday I am going to Christys for a small thingy. Anyways, I decided to bring a dish to pass OTHER than my traditional veggie platter (come on nothing beats healthy!). So i am going to attempt a bread bowl!! YUM. Although because I am going to 2 partys I am going to make 2 different kinds and then instead of taking one to one party and the other to the other, I am going to share the wealth and take half of each to both parties, just not in the tradtional scoop out the center of the bread bowl. Ill be more efficient and just put the dips in regular bowls and the bread on a cute platter. Take that Martha Stewart!

On the down side of the weekend, Alfies g-pa died last saturday and the memorial service is this saturday :( I am not a fan of funerals, not that anyone is, but I just always end up crying, regardless of how well i knew them. Plus i think its that time of the month...ladies you know what I mean... Just yesterday I was watching Ellen and she gave 10k to this little girl for when she gets older for college and I started crying....loser, I know. I think i have the gift of empathy, I think I am pretty good at feeling what people should be feeling or are feeling. Either that or I don't like seeing people cry alone. EVERYONE should have someone else cry with them. So yeah Ill prob be crying because I am positive Alfie won't and its always sad to know that someone lost a father, friend or grandparent. So i will probably be crying for them.

Happy weekend ALL!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Well another friday is upon us. Thank the Lord. This has been the LONGEST week ever! Here at Kodak we are going through our ACP (Annual Commitment Plan) which is pretty much how much each area's expenses are going to be for 2009 against what they were in 2008. So each manager and their financial person has to go through an in depth process of figuring out labor $, and the amount they plan to spend on materials to make their products and so on. Then next week they present it at the ACP conference to their managers and other areas around Kodak, and ofcourse us financial folks get to go too. yay - sarcasm. So im sure you can imagine how fun this week has been as we have been scrambling around trying to quantify every itty bitty thing. But thats ok, thats why I get paid the big bucks eh? Anyways, they also added another division for me to be responsible for as the financial analyst, so now I have 2 that I do alone and a third that I share with another person. In total i think the expense budgets I deal with total about $60Million crazy eh?! crazy but fun. I mean where else would a $2000 charge for something be normal.

So tonite, the husband (ooo thats so weird to say) and I are going to watch a Paid in Full concert. Alfies brother plays in it along with a bunch of our friends. Maybe I will offer my ribbon dancing skills to aid crowd participation, but we shall see. Anyways, before the concert, Alfie and I are going to go to Papa Joes in Sodus (the concert is in sodus). MMM i can't wait. I am going to get my usual, fish sandwich with cheddar cheese. No joke it like melts in your mouth! Its awesome.

Last night I got to spend some fun time with mom and christy. We started at Hobby Lobby or Holly Hobby as mom kept calling it, and browsed the over priced crafty home stuff. Then had dinner at Weggys and convinced mom to join us at Christys to use their hot tub! LOVE IT! Confession: I LOVE the water! Pools, hot tubs, oceans, lakes... if its warm enough and clear enough (like if it is not shadey looking) I will most likely want to swim. Even in the hot tub I kept floating all around it. Christy was just sitting in one spot but not me, I was all over that biotch, floating from one side to the next. Only downfall was that it wasn't nearly as hot as Id like it to be. I like my hot tubs to be like my baths or showers, scalding! I haven't had a really gooooood hot shower since living with Alfie because I know that if I turn the water to the heat i like, im totally gonna use up all the hot water and he wont get any. lol yeah i so kind.

Well its time for me to scamper home to get ready for the fun night! Adios!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She stuck in her thumb, and pulled out a hot swollen mess!

Yeah so it all started with a hangnail. Actually no maybe it wasn't even a hangnail, it was more like a rough piece of skin close to the nail and it was driving me crazy so i pulled at it. Then it became a hangnail. No biggie right? Except instead of just one small pull at this hangnail, i ripped the skin halfway down the side of my thumb nail. So then it bled a little and then started oozing and scabbing as it "healed" then i picked at the "crusty" stuff. That my friends is when I think it became infected. So now its this slightly swollen, crusty, oozy pocket on the side of my left thumb. And it hurts like a mo-fo. I can feel it pulsing, its nasty. The bad thing is that I don't have any antibiotic stuff to put on it at the house cause duh yeah we just moved in, so its just getting more infected. Confession: I just can't stop poking at it. Like to see if it still hurts even though I clearly know it does. I just pushed my thumb against the desk, just to check and make sure and HELLO it still hurt. Plus the reason it got infected in the first place is cause I can't keep my fingers from ripping off the crusty scab. I'm bad, I know.

OOO so I just got my hair highlighted!! I look like a FAB-U-LOUSSSS version of myself now with these snazzy red and dark brown strands in my hair! If I ihad taken a picture of myself I would post one but since I didn't, you'll just have to wait or come see me! The only downfall is that I tend to like to match things and I now have to make the concious effort not to attempt to match my hair to my outfit. Its bad....I kept picking out red to wear to work today! But I am sure I will get used to it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Very Random, but what the hey its Friday!

Oh hot darn, this is my jammmm... keep me partying til the a.mmmm.! That song is so catchy although it doesn't nearly flow as well with darn in there instead of the real word. But anyways... work is unbelievably quiet today. Everyone is at the division golf tournament. HAHA yeah I know its pouring outside. poor things. I would be SO miserable. I didn't participate because I can not golf, my boobs get in the way and I can't comfortably hold the golf club without looking pornish in a tank top. But maybe in the future I will give it a try. who knows.

So i am taking a fitness class through Webster Parks and Rec., well actually 2 classes: Zumba and Kardio Kickboxing (i know how to spell, THEY spelled Kardio with a K not a C). Nice thing is I am not taking them and christy are joining me. Well mom and I are doing both but christy is only doing the kickboxing. I can't wait! Confession: i generally don't enjoy working out. SURPRISE! i know. which doesn't mesh well with my love of food (as we learned in a prior blog). But I LOVE aerobics, and anything with upbeat music. Its like being at a dance class and I heart dancing. I am really really looking forward to it!

OH here is a good confession: I am a facebook stalker! I am that person who you post amazing pictures of yourself for. Ya know so that "people" looking can see how much better you look than in HS or college or that time at target or the mall. Yeah I would be those "people". I do genuainely care about how my classmates from HS are doing and who is getting married or having adorable kids or who moved away or got a new job. So when something new in your life happens, post post! for me. Post pictures, or blogs, add albums, and comments. So that I, who is watching you from afar can accurately get the info correct (ie. she had a girl not a boy, or they moved to CA, not FL...stuff like that). Sure I could just leave a comment and ask but its way more fun not to :)

On the newlywed side... things are going good! Its fun living with Alfie although I often miss being at home or rather my parents house as I have to work hard to call it. For someone who is close with her family and doesn't doo well with change its something to get used to , and thankfully i only shed a tear once, but I was PMSing so it doesn't count! Our living room and kitchen are done with decorations but now I have to work on "The Red Room", "the Purple Room" and the master bedroom and the basement! i have great plans for the basement, since it has a wood stove there so it will be nice to hangout around it during the winter months and watch tv (we will put the old TV down there with our extra furniture and coffee tables). The Purple room is currently our walk in closet/dressing room. I do my hair and makeup in there and have my shoes and alfies clothes in there, we just need to keep it cleaner than it currently is. And then there is the red room. This is our room of crap. Because our basement doesnt have a dehumidifier yet, I refuse to put anything of value down there where the dampness could harm it. So everything I have no place for has taken residence in the Red room. And yes, we do call these rooms by their respective wall colors. No pictures yet, although I have many. I am sure this will change when we get our internet (tonite) and I will be able to use my laptop and upload stuff. Stay tuned, pictures will come!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Monday

So its monday and thankfully the day has flown by and its already 3:30pm! I can't wait to go home and do nothing! well after cleaning which I neglected to do over the weekend because I was camping. Speaking of camping, I know all of you were having a good chuckle at my expense when you looked to the sky on saturday and saw rain clouds. Me + rain = a weekend camping trip. Thankfully this trip had a cabin with running water and tv and kitchen. It was more like rustic living than camping. That, my friends, is my sort of camping. Well that and maybe a beach, a mall, less trees and overall less nature. If it wasn't for the whole nature thing I could TOTALLY be a camper! lol But really it was a nice time hanging out with Josh and Robin and friends and having our first married trip. Confession: We need a LOT of work on time management. Our friends asked us to be there at 4pm We (ofcourse) get there at 5pm. Nice and responsible of us. I attempted to get us out of the house on time but sommmmeeeonee (they shall remain nameless) was not working with me and thinking through all that needed to be done after we left the house but BEFORE we got to the camp site. Oh well I will keep working on that :) So anyways, we just hungout and played an interesting game of "Moose Moose" and some Bride/Groom trivia and then ate, ate and ATE! Breakfast was deliciouso and unless I want to gain back all my weight I need to harness my eating. We had eggs, frittata, bacon, sausage, bagels, homefries and pancakes!!! YUM-O.

Speaking of YUM-O....Step Up 2 has HOTTIE Robert Hoffman who looks quite YUM-O in it. Seriously, rent it and drool. That was a tid bit to help your day turn out better. google him, you won't be sorry. mmm yes :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday. I love you.

I love fridays. Its kinda sad for everyother day of the week, because nobody reallly loves them. Friday gets all the attention. Just so you deoderant smells really good. Its like floral perfume for my armpits. Classy, i know. Now just imagine how classy i look sneaking a sniff...nice mental picture eh? The main reason I am so glad its friday is because I am freezing my arse off here. Picture this... 78 degrees, sunny, nice billowy clouds rolling in the sky then you walk into work and its 40 degrees inside and you have to wear sweaters in the summer and gloves and keep your heater pumping just to stay warm. yes friends that is my work! I look like MJ because I have only one glove on my right hand and its the homeless looking ones, ya know with the fingers cut off.

This part goes out to Tut and our mutual love of one place.... LEAF AND BEAN!! Dave and Cassie and a group of people are heading out to Leaf and Bean for a cd release party, I unfortunately can't go cause of a Simply Tastful party im attending instead. Totally jealous because i havent been to L&B in forever and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE their Blendaritas! Chocolate Peanut Butter Blendarita with Soy please! They are so darn delicious. On top of that the decor is just adorable. Very coffee house-esque. I recommend taking a trip out to CHili (yes waste gas for this) its worth it. And bring me back one too if you go :)

Have a super weekend. I know I will :0)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new!

So yesterday I got rid of something that I have had for about 4ish fake nails :( WHAT?? yeah i know, they were sooo me! But i think its time to put them to rest and bring on the snazzy red short nails I am currently sporting (very LC from the Hills). I was sitting at my desk yesterday debating on getting a fill when I just kept thinking, "i should go short, maybe get rid of these things" then the rest of the afternoon i was itching to bite them off (yes its possible, thats how i removed them last time lol) Anyways, I couldn't bear to go to my usual nail place, Lovely Nails, to get them removed cause I didn't want to be talked back into getting them, so I opted to try Fancy Nail via reference from Lauren and get a manicure while I was there so my nails wouldn't look so snaggle. In short, i love my bright red nails and am looking forward to my next change...dum dum dum.... my hair ! lol no no no nothing drastic, just gotta update my look so I don't have the same style/cut as in HS, which is what I am currently rocking. And no I will not be getting the Rihanna/Victoria Beckham/everyone and their momma hair cut. You know what im talking about, the bob with the wedge cut in the back. Newlywed confession: I'd LOVE to be able to do something drastic! You know like change my hair color totally or get it chopped off into something cute! Unfortunately i don't have the balls to do it, or maybe I have had so many BAD hair cuts that I don't trust anyone to pick something good out that really fits me. So maybe next time you all see me I will have a slammin' (do people still use that word?) style!

Ahh its almost the weekend! Alfie and I have our first "trip" together! We are going camping! Hahaha yeah no thats not a joke, although some may think so after my first attempts at camping. This time we are going for Josh and Robins bachelor/ette thingy. It will be out somewhere (dude i don't know camping places) but thankfully in a cabin with running water and such. So more like rustic living instead of camping - this I can do! Another confession: I don't know if camping is my thing. I am much more of a pool/beach lounger than a nature/hiker/wilderness kinda gal. I don't enjoy dirt nor bugs nor cleaning up after myself. The point of a vacation is to not have to do a lot (like cook or clean or make my bed). Its tough enough for me to plan what I am going to wear for a week vacation without having to plan what I want to eat everyday too and then pack for it. Maybe if I keep going I will learn to enjoy it. Im optimistic.

Yesterday I stopped at the Spirit store in the wegmans plaza to kill sometime and just wandered around trying to figure out what I would like to be for Halloween. This year alfie will be going to a concert with his brothers so I have to weigh my options... there is always church to see the neices and nephews all dressed up, OR out with the girls since it lands on a friday OR over to Ben and Christys to help hand stuff out! That is my top choice, for one reason... to see Harry Potter. More importantly to see CHRISTY as Harry Potter! LOL i know it! hilarious. We were discussing her costume yesterday. She has the robe (ie our graduating gown), dad has a million of those striped ties, she just needs the glasses, a wand, and a wig!! I told her Ben should then be Herminie, she didnt think he'd go for it. Anyways, that begs the question...what should I be?? I can always go the traditional female route and be a skanky something. Or maybe Barbie, a bride and wear my dress again?? lol Hit me with your suggestions!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Yess sirreee ya'll. I jest beeaaan to see that their coutnry baynd called Rascal Flatts!! Ok enough of that country talk! Yep my labor day weekend was great! It began with cleaning...a whole lot of cleaning! Alfie and I hadn't officially done all the laundry from the honeymoon, nor cleaned the house up so thats what my saturday morning consisted of. Laundry and vacuuming and tackling the NASTY grit and grime that accummulates in a home when a guy lives there alone. A womans cleanly touch was fo-sho needed! But I made myself a mango mojito to help speed up the enjoyment process (it was yummy)! I felt very productive that day, much unlike monday where we just slept around all day inwardly boo-ing the fact that work began again on tuesday! But thats ok cause saturday night we had purchased a new baby for Alfie. And by baby I mean a 46inch LCD flat screen. It really is pretty sweet and football season may not be that bad this year :)

The high point of the weekend worth noting or rather blogging about was my first Rascal Flatts concert with Tut and Lor!

Now I am not a HUGE RF fan but I do enjoy country music and concerts in general. I mean seriously, anywhere where there are lots of people, loud music and friends is ALWAYS gonna end up being a good time. Throw in some rowdy, drunk, hoochy older women and rowdy, drunk, cowboyed-out old men and you can count on some serious entertainment! Newlywed confession: I totally get a kick out of drunk adults. Especially the older women. They revert to being 21 again and flirting with everyone and grinding on their old men dates and saying whatever the heck they want to HAHAHA i love it, it makes me laugh. Well this concert had all of the above, not to mention it was at the NYS fair so there was food up the wazoo and these UNBELIEVABLY yummy wine slushies (no joke I totally coulda had like 50 of them! Instead I only had one) AND these 2 foot fried dough sticks (de-lic-ous). Anyways, back to the concert, we had pretty good seats off to the left of the stage, but the grrrr moment came when these people 3 rows in front of us started getting upset that they couldn't see because the young girls in front of them (and the people in front of them and so on) were standing up and they were sitting down. Hmmm logic would tell me... STAND THE F UP!! lol right? well no they took the other route and yelled at the girls to sit down. stupid old people who shouldn't be coming to a concert. This was all going on during the Taylor Swift concert (who is adorable by the way, and FYI - im jealous of her hair) so maybe the old people weren't big fans of Taylor. Well no joke this went on for like 20 mins, the girls standing up and the dude and his wife grumbling to the row in front of them that the girls needed to sit. Mind you if the girls sat they wouldn't be able to see. Plus they payed the same amount for their ticket, and they have every right to stand an cheer for her. moral of the story is that you are wayyy too old to be there if you are forcing people to sit at a concert. Go home and go to bed gramps! But overall the concert was fun!! And I have been dreaming of those darn wine slushies since sunday night, I am going to attempt to make them. Maybe tonite??

Wait, Im supposed to like blogging right?

HOLY CRAP!! can i just vent about how non-user friendly this bloggin thing is? I have tried for the past hour (yeah I shoulda been working) to attempt to change my template to something snazzy. Instead as you can see, frusteration has won out and i am settling on this plain, although chic (black is always chic) background. Yeah ok I guess it will do :)Last night Alfie and I had dinner out with our ever-fun-foursome: Josh and Robin and Luke and Heather at Rio Bamba on Alexander street. Josh used to work there so he knew the headchef and wanted to do a tasting. Well we all ended up doing a tasting which was amazing! A tasting (for those like me who didn't know what it is) is like on Top chef where they do a bunch of courses but in mini 1-2 bite portions. So it started out with the appetizer of mozzerella and tomato salad, then came the ahi tuna with miso broth and soba noodles, then shrimp, bean and spinach followed by veal and ending with a strawberry icecream filled pastry puff. Yum-O. We all definitely left there feeling nice and full! Newlywed confession: I totally love food. No joke, you name it, I would probably try it once. The only food i HATE... brussle sprouts. ICK they are so nasty, all looking like baby cabbage heads. gross. Needless to say the guys were impressed by my eating skills (i totalled kicked the guys butts with finishing the courses first or second)

Anyways.... thank the Lord for long weekends! Considering I just got back from a week long honeymoon, I am more than ready for a few days of sleeping in and doing laundry (much needed) and cleaning the house! Not that I am looking forward to them, it will just be nice when those things get done. I hate having a messy house. :) My big surprise for the weekend was letting Alfie get his new flat screen TV. He has been begging/bugging/hinting/whining about getting a new tv but me being the wonderful pennypincher that I can be has been saying no. I figured certain things take priority (like a bed and some! But anyways, with the wonderfully generous gifts from the wedding I figured we could treat ourselves to something special, something that will last for a looooooong time (it better!), something like a TV.Well I guess its back to work for me now... 1 more hour :)