Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yep, i know, it looks good...

Confession: I am having a VERY good hair day!!

Usually with the schedule i have been keeping these days, the ability (and desire) to keep up with my hair has slipped and although i dont look like a Snaggle-puss (new word, i kinda like it!, go ahead and use it...) I do not always look like the well put together mamma I would like to. But last night i remedied that and actually blew dried my hair and this morning after Coltys 4am bottle, when he went back to sleep, i resisted the urge to snuggle in and fall back to sleep and instead plugged in the flat iron, grabbed some clips and when to town. And the result was a SUCCESS. Many compliments today from coworkers (made me kinda wonder if i generally look aweful? lol) but thats ok, i will gladly take the compliment and store it away for a rainy, frizzy, didn't- get- to -shower- so -my -curly- hair- is- in- a -ponytail kind of day. I know you are all wondering what its like, well its the usual flat ironed do with a bit of volume on top and i deepend my side part for a more dramatic look.... WINNING (to quote good old Charlie Sheen).

So, tomorrow is a good friend D.W's (we shall call him for anonymity purposes) birthday. A large group of us are going to the distillery and Mamasita is gonna watch Colty. So since it feels like i haven't been out in FOREVER, i need a GREAT outfit to wear out. I have settled on a white V neck ruffle shirt from NY&Co, jeans, my red DIY necklace and my red heels that i never get to wear, because come on... with a baby i can't quite wear 3 inch heels AND carry a 15lb baby and carseat. Nope, not happening! (still debating on wearing black instead, since its slimming, but the white shirt is really cute! I will let alfie make the final call) Slightly bummed that my 40 in 40 plan is going to limit my eating (and drinking, for that matter) BUT if i can make i through the weekend (this one especially, lots of gatherings where piggingout it the thing to do) then i can easily make it through the next 40 weeks...right? (humor me, ok?!) So all in all todays' great hair day BETTER extend into another good hair day tomorrow (when it counts) cause whats a good outfit if wasted on crappy looking hair, right? Oh well cheers to friday and cheers to a night out with "the crew"...

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